#84: You're Injured And He Helps You Out

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"I know the elevator is out of order but you didn't have to carry me all down to the lobby from the sixth floor." You looked down at him with a huge smile on your face, trying to convince him that you could actually walk but there was no convincing. He looked at you as if what you were saying was nonsense and made a small jump to get a better secure grip of you. "It was literally my fault that you tripped and sprained your ankle. This is the least I can do." His face was read and you could tell he was almost out of breath but he still didn't want to put you down until you were at the end. He wanted to show that it was nothing and it was the least he could do for you. "Maybe you shouldn't place your sports bag right by the top of the stairs next time." You reminded and leaned your cold cheek against his warm one. "Why not, it gives me the chance to play a hero here and there." He smirked and suddenly raced down the stairs until you came to the last one as if it wasn't hard for him at all. The days at the gym had really paid off. "And I kind of like that title. Even if it was my fault in the first place." He smiled, giving you your crutches and placed a sweet kiss to your lips.


"Okay so you pick this color and then you gently swipe it over my cheekbone while I smile. Oh and you also need to only do one puff into the blush because otherwise I end up looking like a clown." You looked at him with serious eyes and tried to explain it as detailed as possible, watching him nod his head in agreement but it didn't seem as if he was listening at all. He puffed the morphe brush more times than you wanted him to before he gently grabbed your chin to move your head to the side. "Calum." "Trust me babe, I know what I'm doing." He gently smiled and slowly brushed the blush on your cheek. You definitely weren't convinced and never had you put that much trust into Calum. With a rib broken you were having difficulty moving your arms up to do your makeup so you had him doing it instead. "Your makeup looks just like you've done it yourself. I'm kind of proud of my work." He commented and gave your cheek another puff with the brush and placed it back to look at the final result. "Okay maybe it's not precisely that but I did my best I swear!" Your eyes widened once he showed the mirror of your face. The eyeshadow was nowhere near blended and let's not start with how your contour was. "You know let's just stay in tonight and watch movies." He quickly said and threw the mirror back onto the bed with an embarrassed laugh.


"Michael you're driving too fast!" "What do you mean I'm driving too fast it's not like I'm running." He disagreed and turned to the left at the hospital hall, holding onto your wheeling chair tightly so he wouldn't suddenly lose control. You held onto the armrest for dear life and looked over your shoulder to glare at him, he was aware that maybe it was going a little bit too fast for the restricted hospital rules. "Sorry I'm just really hungry that's all." He laughed and slowed down the pace so you could relax again, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head when you leaned back in the chair. You could totally relate as the food served by your hospital room was close compared to cardboard. It was the first time you were actually out of the room and even out of the hospital with course towards the nearest McDonalds at the other side of the street. Sure you looked pretty weird considering you were in a wheel chair and you were still wearing a hospital gown but this was needed otherwise you would end up going crazy. "I can already feel the big mac in my mouth." He commented but stopped in track when he almost drove the wheel chair into one of the many bushes crowding the restaurant and you were quick to grab his hand in reaction. "If we make it there in time. Police should take your wheel chair license honey."


"Oh my god I'm sure I was able to handle this but I'm having second thoughts now." "Come on Ashton you said you were able to do it." You whined and looked over your shoulder to almost see his pale face, he hadn't even removed the end of the bandage yet. His mouth was open and just as wide as his eyes, you could almost feel his hands shaking while holding onto your shoulders. The wound wasn't that big or you couldn't really be sure you hadn't been able to see or take care of it. "Just take it off like some kind of patch." You explained and saw his shadow nod in agreement. You didn't know he wasn't that fond of blood but it was no surprise it made you squirm as well. "I don't think it's the blood." He announced but voice a bit quieter after he had taken off the bandage. You looked over your shoulder to get eye contact and watched him start to clean the wound like you had instructed. "I just don't like seeing you in this kind of pain I mean you can't even sleep on your back during nights." You smiled softly by his words and leaned your cheek against his but without causing more pain. "It's gonna be fine soon. As long as I take my medication." "I know." He smiled gently as well and leaned down to give a soft kiss right next to the wound.

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