#104: "You Think I'm Cute?"

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Every time I post a preference that's based on a writing prompt it's because I'm completely lost for ideas and don't know what I want to write. So if you'd like, spam  with simple preference ideas because I'm blank and the request list is empty :-) x  


"I don't think of anything else when I look at you." A huge blush came to your cheeks by his words. The question had been simple yet with a little bit of embarrassment in your tone. You were having a huge smile on your face but only because you could tell he actually meant it. "It wasn't supposed to be something special." You shrugged and looked down at the dress. It wasn't something out of the ordinary but it suited you very well. "It's always something special when it's you." He walked closer and cupped your cheeks, the smile growing on his face when his lips pressed against yours softly.


"With your hair like that and those chocolate brown eyes you've got me sold out. I'm weak." You smiled brighter when you saw his reaction. That cute little smile on his face was worth everything, it was often that you said it but when you did it brightened his day. "I just look like a morning shit." He mumbled in disagreement and a ran through his matted hair. You shook your head by his words and rested your cheek on the top of his warm chest. "I think you look the best." You hummed and kissed his chin, "Especially in the mornings. You don't know how cute you look when you sleep."


"You're wearing my shirt. It's impossible not to be." He smiled and moved the sheets on the bed for you to take a seat. You had been nervously standing in the door frame in consideration. It was a bit revealing only to wear one of his band t-shirts and your underwear but the reaction he had took away all the insecurities. "Come here." He encouraged and made movements with his hands. You bit down on your lip and fell down onto the mattress, seconds later being embraced in his arms. "You're the cutest thing I've ever seen. Especially with my clothes on." He whispered and kissed your forehead.


"And I'm not only saying it because I'm drunk." You slurred seriously, trying to keep a straight face but it wasn't working much. The grin on his face was there both by the way you were standing and what you had said. It had kind of been blurted out but you meant every single bit of it. "I think you're very very cute." You nodded your head once again in agreement and wrapped your arms around his neck. "So cute that I sometimes have trouble realizing that you're actually mine." His cheeks almost hurt that was how much he was smiling. Even in your drunk state everything about it was so true.

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