#114: He Paints Your Nails

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To be honest I've never really been the nail polish type of person, I think it comes with biting my nails in my early teens and such. If you've got some requests for preferences please do share in my inbox because I've become lost with everything that has something to do with it!


"You know this is just like painting in kindergarten." His comment made you smile softly by his words, watching how his tongue was sticking out between his lips. "You know, apart from the moment where the kindergarten bully decides to force the orange color right in your hair." His hand was shaking as he spoke and even though he was so concentrated he looked up at you. "The kid was Michael." He explained seconds later and your eyes widened but not in a surprise. Luke laughed again by the memory and held close to your hand again to try finish his work. "Prepare to have the prettiest nails of LA. I'm sure you've never seen anything like this before." He wiggled his eyebrows impressed by his words and laughed quietly, "As long as you see them on distance."


"No, no no no! That wasn't supposed to happen!" Calum's eyes were so wide they were ready to pop out because of his mistake. Your hand was still in his but you could feel how much he was shaking from his small failure. "What do I do before it dries?" The panic was clear in his tone and you laughed quietly by his way of overreacting. "You just use a cotton swab with some nail-polish remover on it. Don't worry you haven't ruined it yet." He was being so gentle the whole time and when he had hit your finger it was like all of it was pointless to him. "See. It's very easy and simple." You grabbed his other hand and removed the nail polish that had landed on your finger, his eyes lightening up. "You can continue to create your masterpiece now. I think you're the cutest right now."


"Pick a color, honey. It's all up to you." You smiled when you placed the bag in front of him, he had seen it many times before and he always loved picking out one for you to use. "What are you going to wear today?" He asked after grabbing a navy blue one, holding it in front of the clothes you were wearing right now and squeezed one eye shut. "I'm not sure but it will most probably be black." You nodded your head down at the outfit you were already wearing and he settled with the color he had already grabbed. "Give me your hand gorgeous." He hummed and you moved your hand forward to place it in his. "Salon Michael is here to service you." He grinned and you laughed along to his words. It wasn't the first time he had done this. "Cookies and coffee is on the table downstairs. Tell me if you'd like anything m'lady. "


"And if you're very daring we can do this thing where we put the nail polish in the water and you can create patterns with a toothpick." His eyes widened when you did as explained, picking one color and mixed it in the bowl of water. You could tell that he was careful not to ruin it but pretty excited when you dipped your finger into it and pulled it up with a pattern on your nail. "That is like the coolest thing ever oh my god." He commented and within seconds dipped his finger too. You laughed quietly by his act because it was him who was supposed to do yours but he seemed too amazed to even focus on that. "We're going to use this when it's dry. It's this transparent one that makes it stay even longer." You explained and he nodded his head in agreement, completely hooked on the otherwise simple thing. 

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