Class of 2014

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It didn't matter to Kyra that she was chosen to give the graduation speech for being the smartest, if her family members were not in the audience to applaud her. They were too busy to leave their work to come to her graduation. Kyra wiped the single tear that made it's way down her porcelain face, and continued with the closing statement of her speech.

"Congratulations graduates of 2014! You did it!" Kyra said, and there was a thunderous applaud form the audience, and the graduates threw their caps in the air, and hugged each other.

Kyra placed the microphone down, and stepped off the stage. She joined her classmates in the celebration, and cheered with everyone else. Kyra's best friends were taking pictures with their families, and she walked quietly away, not wanting to intrude during their family picture time.

Walking to the parking garage, Kyra found where she had parked her Beatle, jumped in, and sped off. Fresh tears spilled down her face again, and as she jumped on the highway, she promised herself that this would be the last time she would cry.

Driving home, Kyra parked her car in the huge driveway, and ran inside her mansion home. No one was there to greet her, as always, and she ran up the winding staircase, opened the door to her room, jumped on her bed, and cried her heart out once again.

It was hours before she lifted herself off the bed, and headed to the bathroom to wash off her make up. Life was not fair, she thought, as she scrubbed her face with soap and water, until it was squeaky clean, Although her adoptive parents were very good to her in ways of materialistic things, they never found the time to spend with her, and she grew up all alone, and desperate for attention. She had no siblings to share her life with, all she had growing up was her nanny, who had raised her, but she had passed away a few years ago.

Kyra sighed, and walked back into her room to change her clothes, and as she did so, she saw an envelope on the chair next to her bed. Grabbing it, she quickly opened it, and found an airplane ticket in it, along with a letter that was addressed to her. It read that her parents had decided to send her to Scotland for the summer, so she can visit her homeland where her ancestors had once lived.

Having no one to share her excitement with, Kyra jumped on the bed, and smiled for the first time in a long time. Her adoptive parents had told her that her biological parents where originally from Scotland, and she had voiced her opinion that she wanted one day to visit Scotland, and find her roots.

Now she held in her hands the means to do so. The departure date was in a few days, which only gave her enough time to do a little shopping, and run a few errands. She could not wait to call her friends, and tell them of her trip. Kyra knew that they would all be jealous of her.

Thank you for reading my story, hope you join me on this new adventure, please take a moment and vote and comment, and for those of you that have followed me here from my other account, I want to take this moment to say I love you all very very much!!! And thank you kindly! Xoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxo

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