The ruby rings

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Michael climbed the stairs, up to the second floor, and took his time going to Kyra's bed chamber. Fear was starting to coil in his stomach. He wondered how it was possible for a mere woman to have him feeling scared, but it was true, he thought, she did have the power to make him feel fear. It was fear of rejection, and he, the mighty warrior was afraid to walk in her chambers.

Bracing himself outside her wooden door, he took an inhalation of breath, opened the door and stepped inside. Kyra turned around and eyed him, before she turned her attention back to looking out the window.

Michael's heart sank with grief, she doesn't love him anymore, he thought sadly. Her eyes don't sparkle like they used too anymore when he walked into the room. Angry at the fact that she wanted his brother instead of him, he harden his heart to keep it from breaking.

"I have the contract for you to sign!" He said gruffly.

"That's fine, just put it on the table and I will sign it." She said, not even bothering to look at him.

The Prince narrowed his eyes, not liking the way she was ignoring him, and barked, "Turn around and sign it now, I want this over and done with right away!"

A single tear escaped Kyra's eyes, she felt so sad and lonely. He wants her to sign a contract that will allow the both of them to sleep around once they are married. Her heart broke in two. Why did she fall in love with him, why couldn't she have fallen in love with his brother, he would have been the better choice, she thought, Michael only wants her to keep the peace between their two clans.

She turned around and faced the Druid, he was so handsome, her heart skipped a beat. She looked into his emerald eyes, they were cold and distant. She had no power left inside her to stop herself from crying, and showing weakness to him, and the tears just glided slowly down her beautiful face.

Michael's gut twisted when he saw her tears. She's crying because she wants Edward, he thought, as the pain speared through his heart. "Sign it!" He roared, and he shoved the paper in her face.

Kyra forgot about her tears, as anger took hold of her heart. She grabbed the contract out of his hand, and walked to the table, grabbed the quill pen, and dipped it in the ink, and signed her name on the bottom.

When she was done, she let go of the pen, placed her hands on her face, and started to cry relentlessly. Michael watched her, and his heart ripped in two. Not able to stand by, and watch her suffer, he wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her to his muscled chest, and held her tight. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself this one treasured moment of love to surface, and he spoke words of love to her in his Gaelic tongue, confessing to her how much he adored her, knowing very well that she was not educated in the Gaelic tongue.

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