Love is in the air

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Love circled around East Wick, and everyone occupying the castle tonight felt it. The witch's had zapped instruments, and Tristan, Michael's youngest brother, grabbed the flute, and played a tune. It wasn't long after that, that Silas, and James too, grabbed an instrument and played along with their brother Tristan.

Lidia pulled her daughter in law Kyra to the center of the sitting room. "Dance with me Kyra, this has been a joyous day after all, and we should celebrate!" She said, as she swirled around happily. The witches were so excited that there was such love and happiness in their home. They grabbed Lidia's and Kyra's hand and formed a semi circle. Their feet kicked up, and their bodies moved with grace as they kept up with the Scottish tune.

Daniel, Thomas, and William clapped their hands, and Stephan cut in the front of the line, and grabbed his mothers hand, leading the dance to a much faster pace. There was laughter and tears, and hopes and dreams, in each and every heart this evening.

Hawk heard the music and laughter, and his mouth spread wide with a smile. In his strong arms, he held his sleeping family. He was looking for a suitable room to claim, so his little family could have the privacy they needed to sleep in. Opening the door to a room that looked cozy, but small, Hawk stepped inside and placed Nessa, and the babe, on the huge bed. Covering them with a soft blanket, Hawk quickly turned to the fireplace and zapped a fire, to break the cold of the room.

The orange flames, crackled, and licked the logs hungrily, warming the room to Hawks satisfaction. Zapping an extra fur around the two windows, to keep the cold air out, Hawk felt satisfied that his family was well taken care of. He stepped out of the room silently, and pulled the door shut. Nessa and the babe needed all the sleep they could get. Walking down the corridor, Hawk stopped outside the room where everyone was celebrating, and poked his head inside.

"Hawk, come in and dance with us!" Kyra yelled out, as she circled around the dancing group.

Hawk hesitated for a only a split second, before he joined them, and the huge Fay danced as if he was born to be a Scot.

William and Stephan looked at each other, amazed that a Fay would even consider dancing with the Scots, and soon they too joined in the circle, and filled the room with dancing and laughter.

Lucious could hear the music playing, and the laughter that echoed throughout the walls of the castle, but his heart was heavy with grief. Abby was burning with fever, and this didn't sit well with him. If Stephan was able to breath life into Nessa, than he was sure he could have healed Abby. Why did he choose not too?

Abby lay unconscious, as she burned with fever. Her broken body was all bruised up, and the linens were of crimson color, from the blood that seeped out of her cuts. He needed to clean her up and change her clothing, but had no idea where to go looking for clean clothes, and linen.

Sweeping a strand of hair away from her burning face, Lucious leaned down, and kissed her. He pressed his lips softly on her forehead, and choked back a sob. If she gets better, and survives this horrible ordeal, I am going to take her away to a place where no one knows us, and we could start fresh, he promised himself.

Stephan stood outside the door, and heard Lucious thoughts. He had left the party, and come to see how Abby was fairing, knowing that his brother was with her didn't sit well with him. He knew that Lucious cared for her, and his dreams were shattered. Opening the door, he stepped in the room and his bare feet silently made their way over to the bed where Abby was laying.

Lucious didn't even bother to turn his head and see who had entered the room. He knew it was Stephan, and his body tensed. This was not going to be a pleasant encounter , he thought dryly.

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