Stay away from him!

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Michael marched up to Kyra and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away from his brother. "Stay away from her Edward, she is not like the others, she is my soulmate!" He growled.

"Calm down brother, we were just talking, no harm in that. You should thank me that I watched over her, while you were too busy in the courtyard to keep an eye on her. Anyone could have followed her here and deflowered her!" His brother said, and Kyra rolled her eyes and pulled herself out of Michael's grip.

"I'm capable of taking care of myself, and I don't need anyone to watch over me!" Kyra said angrily, before she walked away from the two brothers, and headed towards the castle.

"Stay away from her!" Michael told his brother again, "or I will break every bone in your body!" He warned, and then he turned away and chased after his betrothed.

Edward watched him go after his soulmate and shook his head. His brother was mad, he thought, and if he doesn't check his behavior, he stands a chance of losing the only woman that he ever loved.

Michael ran after Kyra, caught up to her, and reached out and snatched her from the waist, and threw her over his shoulders. She yelled at him to put her down, but her words fell on deaf ears, as he marched through the courtyard, all the way to the castle, and up the stairs to her chambers, and he threw her on the bed.

Towering over the bed, with his muscled legs spread apart, and his hands on his hips, he looked down at her angrily and roared, "Don't ever disobey me again!"

Kyra jumped out of bed and faced him, showing no fear as she said to his face, "I will not take orders from you! You are not my father, you are just my betrothed!"

Michael raised an eyebrow and asked, "and that doesn't mean anything to you?"

"It means the world to me, but that doesn't give you the right to treat me like a child!" Kyra yelled.

"When you act like a child, you will be treated like a child!" He barke.d.

Kyra looked up in his handsome chiseled face, and just wanted him to kiss her, but she was too proud to tell him so. Sitting back down on the bed, Kyra gave up. She was tired of arguing with him. Michael noticed her defeat, and dropped to his knees before her.

"Kyra, I love you and want to keep you safe. Going into the gardens without a chaperone was not a smart thing to do. All I ask is that you don't go in there again by yourself." He said, and he took her two hands, brought them to his lips, and kissed them. "If I lose you Kyra, I shall die without you, you must believe this, for it is the truth!"

"I don't want to be a prisoner in this castle Michael, where I am told what to do all day long! I want to be free, and do as I please." She said, and she pulled her hands away from him, dropped herself on the bed, and turned her back on him.

Michael took a deep inhalation of breath, and walked towards the door. An idea popped in his mind, the only way he could focus on his work in the courtyard, is if he locks her in this room. Stepping out of the chambers, Michael closed the wooden door, and said a magic spell that locked the door. Walking away with a smile on his handsome face, the Prince felt a heavy burden lift off his muscled chest. He will come back to her in a few hours, and make her forget her anger, because he knew that as soon as she finds the door locked, she will throw another fit, and he was sure that he will have to work twice as hard to get her forgiveness.

As he ran down the stairs, and walked back out to the courtyard, Michael was relaxed, because he knew that his betrothed was safe and sound in her room. Grabbing a sword from a warrior, he went into combat with his opponent, and started the last session of training for the day. He was eager to finish quickly and head back to Kyra.

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