The Emerald Tablets

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As everyone filed out of the library, leaving Michael all alone, he locked the door, and walked all the way to the east wall of the library, said a few magic words and created a portal. He stepped right through it, and ran down the stairs, his only light came from the magic runes that were placed on each step to light his way. At the bottom of the stairs there was a magic door that Michael opened with another set of magic words, and he stepped inside, and slammed the door shut. Security was tight down here because the Emerald Tablets revealed information about the worlds future, and Michael was the only one who knew the magic words to enter this room.

Grabbing one of the twelve tablets, he sat himself down and placed the tablet on the table and started flipping through pages quickly with shaky hands. Thoughts of his soulmate being taken from him, left him overwhelmed with grief. He had to find the Tablet that stored the information he was looking for, and then he had to create another magic spell that would protect Kyra from harm.

After five hours of searching in the twelve Emerald tablets, and studying it's contents, Michael was exhausted. He placed the tablets back on the shelf and left the room. He recited the magic words securing the room once again, and ran up the stairs, and into the library. Closing the portal, he hurried along to find his soulmate, having a need to hold her in his strong arms.

Their was dead silence in the castle at this late hour, everyone was sleeping peacefully as Michael flew up the stairs and opened the door to his bed chamber. Michael made his way to the bed where Kyra lay sleeping peacefully, just as the flame from the candle flickered and died out.

He discarded his kilt and climbed on the bed next to Kyra, and gently pulled her in his strong arms, careful not to wake her. He held her like this well into the wee hours of the morning, but he knew that he must soon take her to the other chamber that was down the hall from his, just to please her father, whom he respected greatly.

Lifting her in his strong arms, Michael slowly walked across the floor, opened the door carefully and took Kyra to her own chambers, and lay her gently on the crisp ivory sheets. He tiptoed away quietly and headed back to his chamber, closed the door and jumped in his bed. It felt lonely without her, but he ignored the ache in his heart, and forced himself to sleep.

In the morning, when the red fireball was well over the castle, hanging like an ornament in the blue sky, Michael felt a soft hand caress his arse, and his eyes flew open expecting to see Kyra, but instead it was one of the servant girls, who had found him alone and thought to pick up where they left off the last time they were together. Michael shut his eyes and sighed.

Removing her hand gently off his body, he said, "I won't be needing your services anymore. Soon I will be a married man and I will have a wife to see to my every need. Please see that you tell all the other servant girls that there is no need for them to come to me anymore."

A single tear escaped her porcelain face, as she picked her naked body off the bed reluctantly, and walked away. She dressed quickly, cleared all the dirty laundry from his room and stepped out quietly with out looking back.

Michael buried his face on the pillow and moaned, he missed Kyra with a passion, and wanted her back in his bed!


Kyra sat at the breakfast table with her family members quietly, and waited to be served breakfast. She tried desperately to erase the image of the naked young lady in bed with her husband. When she woke up and found herself to be alone in the huge bed, and in a strange room, she was confused, and quickly dressed, walked over to Michael's bedchamber, and opened the door to see if he was there.

She was shocked to find a naked servant girl sitting on the bed next to her naked husband. She immediately assumed the worst and closed the door slowly, and ran to her room, where she threw herself on the bed and cried her heart out.

Her soulmate easily betrayed her, even before they were married. How many more mistresses does he have, she wondered sadly. Was she not enough for him? Does he lie when he tells her that he loves her? Will he have mistresses on the side throughout their marriage? Her heart twisted with pain at these tortured thoughts that broke her heart in two.

She has heard of many warriors who have taken many mistresses after they have said their vows, but her father has never betrayed her mother in that way! She was greatly disappointed in Michael and wondered if she still should go ahead with the marriage.

Her father eyed her, and raised a questioning eyebrow at her, but she ignored him and started eating her breakfast. Not long after, Michael walked in the dining area, all smiles and sat next to her. He took her hand and brought it to his warm lips, and placed a soft kiss on it. Lifting his eyes, the Prince looked at her with a longing, but Kyra looked away, unable to seize the moment. He was a traitor, she thought angrily.

Michael noticed immediately that something was wrong, and so did everyone else at the table, but they all assumed it was because she was placed in a different chamber. No one suspected the real reason that burned in her heart.

Thank you for all your votes and comments, they mean the world to me !!!' Xoxoxxoxxoxxo

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