Saint Mary's cathedral

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The church bells rang loud and clear, notifying every one that it was time to start the wedding. The MacAlister clan filled up the cathedral, excited to witness the ceremony between Neil and Nessa.

The brides immediate family filled up the first two rows, and no where in the church were there any members of Neil's family. Neil insisted that no one notify his family, saying that they did not believe in church ceremonies anyway, because they still held on to the traditional handfasting ceremony, and after this wedding, they are all invited to go to his castle, for the handfasting ceremony, so his family can witness the happy occasion too.

Williams heart pounded wildly against his muscled chest. He knew what would happen in a few minutes, and he held his breath, secretly glad how it would all turn out. His eyes sparkled with joy, as he threw a sideway glance at Lidia. Taking her hand in his, William brought it to his lips and kissed it.

The bagpipes started to play the traditional marriage theme, and everyone turned their attention to the doorway, and watched as Nessa walked in. Neil threw a quick glance at Lanie and caught her looking at him with tears in her eyes. He hoped that all will play out the way he prayed it would, and then he turned his attention back to the bride, and pretended to be the loving groom.

As Nessa walked down the isle, everyone admired her beauty, not realizing that the tears in her eyes were not tears of joy, but tears of great sadness. He did not come, she thought sadly, he doesn't love me!

She walked up to the groom, and Neil took her trembling hands in his. They stood side by side, as the priest started the ceremony.

Outside of the cathedral, Hawk was pacing back and fourth, not knowing what to do. He was in a huge dilemma. The love of his entire life, was getting married to another. He wanted desperately to stop the wedding, but he couldn't. How could he claim her his when she was in love with another?

But she is mine! He thought, as his heart beat wildly against his iron steel chest, I love her!

Mad with pain, and sick with worry, his invisible form was now visible, and he looked like a wild beast.

I am not going to sit by and allow another to claim my heart as his wife! He thought angrily, as he charged like a mad bull through the doors of the cathedral.

The priest was about to pronounce Neil and Nessa as husband and wife, when the doors to the cathedral burst open, and the Fay marched in, and made his way to the front. Everyone stood with their mouth agape as they watched the scene play out in slow motion before their very eyes.

Nessa's heart melted when she saw the love of her life come for her. Neil let out a sigh of relief, and squeezed her hands to reassure her that her plan worked, and then without even a word, or a glance at his woman, Hawk grabbed Nessa, threw her over her shoulders, and ran for his life, out of the cathedral, before anyone even had the chance to stop him. It all happened within the blink of an eye.

Neil turned his attention to Lanie who stood frozen, not believing what just happened, and before anyone had the chance to react, Neil did exactly what he should have done to begin with, he ran to Lanie, grabbed her from the waist and started running faster than the speed of light, out of the there.

Lidia almost fainted, as she watched her sons run after the thieves who stole their sisters, but when they reached out into the courtyard, the two couples had disappeared into thin air. Running back inside the cathedral, where everyone was in an uproar, the MacAlister brothers found William standing next to the priest, and he was asking for silence. Seconds later, not a word was to be heard, as William held everyone's attention.

"Thank you for your cooperation. I have a few words to say to explain what we all just witnessed happen here. As you all saw, both Nessa and Lanie were abducted before our very eyes, and even though they are now gone, they could not be in better hands than the two warriors that claimed their hearts." He said, and threw a quick glance at Lidia, who had fallen into the arms of one of her sons, and cried her heart out.

Wanting desperately to make Lidia smile again, William decided to do what he should have done hundred of years ago, "I was thinking, since we are all gathered here anyway, mayhap I could marry the love of my life, lady Lidia, if she will have me of course." He said, holding his breath for Lidia to stop crying and give him an answer.

All eyes turned on Lidia, and she stopped crying and looked up at her handsome lover, not believing what she just heard.

"Well Lidia, will you have me as you husband?" He asked hoarsely.

And Lidia walked up to where the Healer stood and said, "it's about time you asked, of course I shall marry you!"

And William grabbed her by the waist and slammed her against his muscled chest and kissed her brutally.

It is now time for Michael and Kyra to come back into the story, and i will focus for now on them, and soon I will bring back Hawk and Nessa. But Neil and Lanie's love story will be in the next book part two, with Edward and Heather/Julia. Remember that I told you before that each book of mine will have two love stories in them.

I also want to remind you that a Druidess gets her powers when she turns twenty two, and stops aging at the age of twenty eight. And a Druid is born with his powers and stops aging at the age of thirty two.

A Druid pregnancy only lasts three months, and when the Druid baby is born, it grows at an extremely fast pace.

So now I will leave you all guessing what will happen in the next chapter because I am going out with my cousins for a late dinner to celebrate my adorable granddaughters birth.

The next chapters will be a little disturbing to some of you, but I can't help it if Eva is a crazy b&tch!!!

Thank you for your votes and comments they mean the world to me!!!!

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