Spells and enchantments

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"You'll never get away with it!" Kyra yelled, not realizing that she was putting herself in danger by talking, causing Eva to get madder and crazier. "Michael will never abandon me for you!"

"Has he come for you in the last three months? Has he sent word to you that he loves you and he wants you back? The answer is no, he doesn't want you anymore b@tch!" Eva hissed.

Her words sliced into Kyra's heart, she was right, Michael has not come for her. Mayhap he doesn't love her anymore, she thought, and that realization hurt her deeply.

"He will come for me, I am sure of it." Kyra said, not sure of her own words.

Kyra's words angered Eva even more, and she punched Kyra in the stomach, causing Kyra to double up with pain, and cry out loud.

"Say one more word, and I swear I will end your life!" Eva threatened, and marched out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Kyra gut wrenching cries were heard throughout East Wick Castle, and all the witches looked at each other and winced. But none dared to question the new Head mistress. They went about their daily business, and tried to ignore what was happening, because they feared for their life.

Eva walked into her chambers, and poured herself a goblet full of ale. She swallowed it in one gulp, and refilled it again to the rim. She was proud of herself for coming up with a smart plan. She worked many months to create the spell she needed to win her game. Her plan was already set into action, and she considered herself a genius for thinking of such a smart idea.

She was going to sift herself to look identical to Kyra, and present herself to Michael as his wife. She will rid herself of the thorn in her ass, and take over Kyra's identity. With the princess dead, no one would be the wiser, she thought wickedly. She just had to figure out what to do about the baby. Michael will ask questions, and she didn't want him to suspect foul play.

Tomorrow she would take action and soon, she will have Michael into her bed, slave to her needs. Eva's back fell against the stone wall, and her hand glided up her thigh. Closing her eyes, Eva imagined Michael's naked body in front of her, and a sweet cry of passion escaped her lips as her fingers dug deep inside her. Minutes later her whole body trembled with lust, and she hoarsely cried out Michael's name.

The witches of East Wick heard Eva's cries of passion, and they all looked at each other not knowing what to say. They disappeared down the long corridor, locking themselves inside the tea room, where they held a meeting trying to figure out what they should do.

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