Nothing scarier than a real crazy person with a mix of the paranormal

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I worked the night shift at a gas station and it was in a neighborhood. It was directly across the street from a assisted housing complex for section 8 people so there were alot of mentally I'll people that had like schizophrenia and drug problems. About 4 months into the job (keep in mind it's the night shift) I started hearing mans blood curling screams and a man yelling for something or someone to get away and cursing alot. Then I saw him. From outside the window I saw a middle aged overweight man with a scruffy beard (he was African American not that has anything to do with his actions, just so you get a picture of this guy) missing teeth. Hed be screaming all hours of the night and we closed for a few hours between 3am and 5am to clean and hed come into the store at 2:50am on the dot right before I was allowed to lock the doors.

He would mumble to himself and say things like " no we dont need that" and " well we dont have enough money" I just thought he was nuts. He would also ask how much everything is even tho he was standing right next to the price tags of shit and it was super fucking annoying. This kind of stuff continued for 6 months straight. A lot of times during this happening there would be others that came in at the same time as him to get alcohol and stuff and they lived in the housing complex as well and I guess they new the screaming guy because he was a hot topic in the apartments. Anyways, one night the screaming guy leaves and a different guy that's also in the store comes up to me and tells me to not let him in the store anymore because hes got " bad juju"

I was like wtf? I'm a pretty level headed guy and skeptical but what this guy told me creeped me tf out.

He said hes positive the screaming guy lives alone in his apartment. And he was invited into his place once because he was less crazy at one point and then got worse. This dude tells me that when he was in crazy guys apartment that he would feel like someone would pop out at any moment and that he felt like he was being watched and it felt like a negative place to be. The day gets later and the normal dude decides to leave and when he left crazies place he looked in his apartment window from the outside and he saw multiple shadows that looked human shaped walking past the shades of the window. He said he went back one more time to hangout but never did again when crazy started saying that "they" are stealing his thoughts and memories.

So I hear this story and I'm like wow that's nutz. And the normal guy just says that hes not trying to freak me out but that it's just better to be far away because trouble follows him. So one day the crazy guy comes back at night same time as always and I tell him hes not allowed in the store anymore he begins to just walk around the store and ask how much everything is and I'm like begging him to leave at this point and he gets mad at me and said hes not gonna leave until he can buy a bag of cheetos. So I sell them to him and it's around 3:03am at this point and he picks up the chips and says "they see you now. They dont like you." And then walks out and literally starts screaming at the top of his lungs in the parking lot. Lmao I locked the door so fast it was insane.

A few weeks pass and I barely saw him but he always said " they see you" when hed come in. One day I worked a mid shift and I got off at 11:30pm. I clock out and i start walking down the street to my house and i see the crazy guy sitting on a chair on the second story of the complex outside of what i assume is his apartment and i see him in the chair and then i look at his window and the curtains are closed but i saw 3 human shaped silhouettes like solid shadows right up against the window and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up when I remembered the story that guy told me.

I ran home so fast I thought I was gonna break the sound barrier.

Posted by u/anthonymachine25

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