Heart Problem

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When my wife Angie and I found out she was pregnant with twins we were ecstatic. We knew there was a good chance we'd have twins since each of us had twin siblings ourselves, and it was exactly what we were hoping for. Sadly, the feeling didn't last. At a visit to our OBGYN they discovered that there were no longer two fetuses in Angie's womb, but only one. It was due to a medical phenomenon known as Vanishing Twin Syndrome where one fetus miscarries and is absorbed, or in other words "consumed" by the other fetus. We were both devastated as most anyone in that situation would be but Angie seemed to take it much harder.

I mean here's a woman who's never been religious in her entire life and now she was in church praying almost every day. It seemed pretty normal at first but before long she became overcome with denial. She began claiming that the doctor had just overlooked the other fetus during the test, that it was just hiding and would reappear later. As if that wasn't disturbing enough I learned through a friend that Angie had been meeting with an old woman known around town as Juju because of rumors that she was involved with Black Magic. Worried, I confronted her but she assured me that they had just been talking because Juju had also dealt with the loss of a twin years ago and could relate to what she was going through. I let it go but recommended that she see a psychiatrist, and to my surprise she agreed.

While seeing the psychiatrist she started showing substantial improvement, and in a short time had developed an increasingly positive outlook, even appearing to finally accept what had happened. A couple months later Angie gave birth to our son, Tobin. Unfortunately Tobin was born with a hole in his heart that would require two open heart surgeries, a blood transfusion, and medication that he'd most likely have to take for the rest of his life to help his blood pump properly. Other than that and a yearly routine checkup with a cardiologist Tobin was expected to live a pretty normal life with few restrictions.

Tobin is now fifteen years old, and up until about a week ago everything had been going fine. See, it's common procedure for doctors to change the type of medication or the dosage amount taken by patients as they get older and Tobin's Cardiologist, Dr. Alvah felt it was a good time to do so. Also pretty common is for patients to experience side effects as their bodies adjust to the new medicine. So when Tobin started having dizzy spells we assumed that's all it was.

However, a couple days after the dizziness started things took a turn for the worse. The three of us(Angie, myself, and Tobin) were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast, I was talking to Angie and turned to ask Tobin something when I noticed he was just staring straight ahead towards the wall. He wasn't looking AT the wall though, it was as if he was looking Through it. His face was expressionless, almost like he was in some type of trance. I waved my hand in front of his face and said "earth to Tobin" but there was no response. Then without warning He screamed out in pain, put his hands over his ears and fell to the floor, curling into a fetal position. I rushed to him but by the time I got down beside him he'd already stopped screaming and was no longer in the "trance".

Angie and I helped him to his feet, walked him into the living room and sat him on the couch. He appeared more alert but was noticeably shaken and confused.

We had him describe what happened as best as he could so we could relay it to Dr. Alvah and find out what needed to be done. Tobin said that while he was eating, he'd looked up from his plate and everything seemed to stop, it was as if he was still inside his body but no longer in control. He could see me and Angie sitting there talking but couldn't hear anything. He couldn't move, speak, or even shift his eyes no matter how hard he tried. He then started to hear what sounded like someone whispering from off in the distance, it was getting closer but it never got close or clear enough to distinguish any kind of words, if that's what they were. At last, there was a burst of a loud, unbearable ringing that threw off his equilibrium causing him to fall to the floor, and just as quick as it happened, it was over and he felt normal again.

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