It stalked us

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Might as well post another story. My friends and I used to really be into spirit communication and the paranormal when we were teenagers. I still am but everyone else found other hobbies I guess. Anyway, this one time I remember we got really excited about a ghost hunting tv show and decided to make a ouija board. (Disgusting things, will never fuck with them again.) This time was the very last time I ever touched or looked at a ouija board. We made it and without any protection or knowing what we were doing we dove right in. It started out fine. We asked the questions and we got responses. The ol' "are you moving it?" "No, are you?" too. Then we started making fun of it, and my friend invited the "little boy" we were talking to out of the board into her home. Not a lot of time later I started feeling really sick. At the time I wasn't a huge believer in spirits, so I just said I'm bored and went to go sit on the couch. More time passed and my mind started getting foggy. Hard to describe the feeling but then I started laughing uncontrollably. I was telling myself my brain is just making things up because we just used the board, my friend suggested we go for a walk and I completely agreed and we started to the lake by where she lived. I remember the beautiful sunset, the last peaceful moment of the night. My friend then told me a black cat is following us. Sure enough when I turn around a black cat is following. Stopping when we stop and walking when we walk. We eventually lost sight of it and went to go hangout by the church. (We live in a small town, not a lot to do but walk or go on rides.) We chilled there for a bit then the lights started flickering. Then there were the footsteps. One by one creaking down the stairs we were sitting on but no one was there. We then felt this ominous presence and started to run. We ran to the highway and went to another church across from our store. There was a car in that parking lot, and in it was a man. We couldn't see any features but could tell he turned to look at us. He waved then a black cat jumped from the back seat onto his lap. My stomach dropped. It was like some scene from IT or something. We ran away yelling and went back to her home and locked the door and talked to her mom. She was obviously mad at us and she saged the room and chucked the ouija board into the lake I mentioned before. That sparked a fascination with other dimensions, quantum theory, spirits and everything in between for me. I learned to use protection that night too. I will never forget it and that darkness.. the energy that it gave off was horrendous. Truly. Please protect yourselves and don't fuck with things other worldly if you know nothing about them. I was lucky, things could have gone way way worse. Love and light to you all.

Posted by u/KaisPlace

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