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I was around 12 years old when I've encountered the most terrifying thing ever.

One day I was going to my grandmothers house, she always had creepy things go on in there, mostly things moving around, but she had a cat named Stewart. As I was laying down for the night I smelled a weird decaying like smell, I thought that it might have been a dead mouse, since she had a rat problem. But the smell was really strong and it was coming from the basement, so of course like any curious person would, I went to check it out.

As I was walking through the kitchen to get down to the basement steps to I saw my grandma, she was acting a bit strange but I didn't think much of it, after all she was a little diluted.

When I got to the basement steps the smell got stronger and stronger, so I headed down the steps, when I felt two hands push me from behind down the steps and shut the door. It was dark. Thank god I had my phone. I looked around the dark creepy basement when I saw it. I saw him. There was a tall inhuman figure standing in the corner of the room, he was smiling. His smile stretched from ear to ear.

He slowly approached me, but i began to run up the steps into my grandmothers room. I asked her why'd she push me down the basement stairs, and she said "that wasn't me, what's the matter" I grabbed her and we headed out the house, and when I turned around to see if something was following us. I seen him in the window with a small figure that looked exactly like him. Smiling. Me and my grandma never returned to that house since.

Posted by u/aloneboyy

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