My parents don't check my babysitters

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So my Parents are always out so I usually needed a babysitter. But my parents don't check out or see if the babysitter is fit to babysit they just leave money on the table. So this one night they left, again so I gotta babysitter. My babysitter ill call her emily came at 3 pm and she was very nice. I got hungry at about 5 so Emily made me a sandwich and I went to eat in my room. Now I have a weird habit to see what is in my sandwich. So I looked in my sandwich and there was fucking glass in the sandwich. How she got class I don't fucking know how. Then Emily came into my room and saw me there. She freaked the fuck out and asked why I didn't just eat it she went down stairs and started breaking everything. I went downstairs like an idiot and told her to stop. She went into the kitchen and pulled out a knife. I ran upstairs and called the cops. Yes I know I'm an idiot for not calling them in the first place. The operator said the cops would be here in 20 minutes. Right then and there a knife cut through the wall. I screamed like a little bitch and jumped out of my window. I hit the ground, got up and ran to my neighbour's house. They were really nice, after everything blown over Emily was sent to prison for attempting to kill a child. I'm now 21 and this memory still scares me. This is a warning to all parents. Make sure that the babysitter you choose please, please make sure that the babysitter you choose is a sane person child that they are not dangerous to a child.

Posted by u/nichikas

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