Creepy Messages on my Work's Walkie Talkies

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Okay first off, I'm not really sure if this qualifies as a "scary story" in the typically sense, but when I heard about it I was pretty sketched out. Anyways, ever since I was a kid I've gone to this day camp near my town during the summer and this year, now that I'm old enough, I work there.

At the camp we use somewhat fancy Walkie Talkies to communicate with each other. It sounds kind of childish when I say it aloud but they come in handy when you gotta ask another group something and they're all the way on the other side of the camp.

This year there were a lot of changes due to some misconduct that occurred last season, which means the camp got a new look. This included brand new Walkies that could apparently reach much farther than the old ones.

It was about two weeks into the summer when it happened. It's important to know that this story came from my friend, who also works at the camp. We'll call him N. At the time N was at the rock climbing wall with his group. It was here when they first started to hear static come through the Walkie.

Our camp is on the shore of a marsh, so N and the other staff in his group concluded that the messages were just being caused by a passing boat or something like that. After a while however, they began to hear voices mixed in with the static. At first they didn't quite know what they were hearing. This was because they were picking up several men, all talking over each other, seemingly in some sort of code.

After stepping away from the group as to not freak out the campers, N and the other staff listened closely to the messages. This is when they heard one of the men say the phrase "...187, 187 at the waterfront...". The man saying this continued to repeat it, occasionally asking if anyone copied. It was by this point that N and his fellow staff had figured out what was going on. It was the police.

Frantically, N searched on his phone to figure out what the police were talking about and why they were here. It was then that his phone loaded up the meaning of the code. The meaning of 187. It was homicide. There had been a homicide in the marsh.

It wasn't until later that day that N told me about this, and by that point all of the staff had heard about it. Apparently whatever the police were doing had nothing to do with the camp, but it still scared the shit out of me to find out that a murder had happened so close to the kids that I protect for a living.

Posted by u/_TomFuckery_

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