My summer in an 1900's LA home

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This is an absolutely true story that happened to me last summer when I was visiting my grandparents in Los Angeles.

They live in a large 2-story home with my aunt and uncle and their three kids in the middle of Los Angeles. This house was also apparently built sometime in the early 1900's so the air vents were on the floor and the boards would creak incessantly. There was no way someone could walk around the house without being heard.

For me though, when I stayed for a month or so, I would sleep on the 1st floor living room on a spare mattress and I really liked it because I could see the backyard and the sky from where I slept. By my feet on a side table was a salt lamp that my grandmother always turned on for me at night before I fell asleep, which kept the living room from being absolutely pitch black.

So one night as I started to fall asleep, I caught myself right before I slipped into a cycle and was fully in a bout of sleep paralysis. I didn't panic, but tried desperately to move my hand or body so I could wake my body back up, but I couldn't. I felt my hand moving like how I wanted it to, but it still wasn't enough to wake me up. I did this for what felt like an hour, but I wasn't sure how much time had passed.

That was when I saw her, or to be more exact, her shadow. She was in the hallway and I couldn't see her, but I had just assumed that it was my aunt who had come downstairs for water or whatever, but the figure moved and I couldn't hear the floorboards creak at all. This woman was in a long print dress and her hair was tied up in a bun.

She walked closer to where I was laying down and I remember that she had glasses and grey hair. She was an older lady, and I knew immediately that she was a bad entity, whoever she was. The woman straddled my waist and began to dig her fingers into my ribs, all of which I could feel, especially pain in my sides. She was laughing.

I must have fallen asleep after that because I slept without dreaming that night.

I know some may think that it was just my imagination in my sleep paralysis state that made me think this was real, but I went to the bathroom to wash up and felt aches in my rib cage. I lifted my shirt and I could see red splotches all along my sides where I felt her fingers dig into me. They were tender to the touch and made it hard to breathe for a few days. And then, when I went to brush my teeth, I felt something in the back of my throat and found a considerably large tangle of grey hair in my mouth that I had to pull out.

Needless to say, I hated sleeping in the living room after that.

Posted by u/cherrywine

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