Missing Pt 5- Reposted

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The ground crunched beneath your feet as you attempted to navigate through the dense woods. You were thankful for the hot weather because as the sun went down it only became moderately cool and not cold. Even if it was cold you wouldn't have minded, anything was more tolerable than another minute with Ryan.

The more you walked the more lost you became. You didn't really have a plan when you ran, but you thought you would've at least reached the road by now. Other than being utterly lost you were also starving, not having eaten anything but a small bag of partially stale chips. If you wanted to live, which you really did, you needed to seriously focus and stop wondering around like a fool.

You found a tree that appeared to be free of any bugs and decided to take a short break, leaning against it as you tried to remember everything you had ever learned about staying alive when lost. Unfortunately, you had been raised in a comfortable household and never thought you would have to fend for yourself.

Taking a huge risk, you turned around and started following the path you had just come from. The darkness made it hard to see where you were going so you kept tripping over fallen branches and other things. You needed to slow down, otherwise you might actually fall and get hurt, so with that thought in mind, you reduced your pace to a slow walk.

At least an hour had passed before you started to give up. You couldn't see more than a foot in front of you and your slow pace wasn't doing enough to keep you from stumbling over everything that was in your way. “Now isn't the time to be scared of the dark” you murmured to yourself, being startled by every sound you heard.

You lacked the energy to go any further, so you sat down on the leaf covered ground with your back against a tree stump. You were hungry, lost, and tired, but you absolutely refused to cry. Why didn't you just stay at the cabin with Ryan in the first place? He had food, water, and a comfortable place to sleep. You started to think that maybe letting him use you was a small price to pay for knowing that you had access to all of the things you needed. Well, the things you needed to survive, because right now you needed Demi. She'd be ashamed to know how easily you were giving up.

You drifted in and out of sleep all night, fully waking up when you felt the heat of the morning sun on your skin. Somewhat revitalized, you stood up and continued walking in the same direction as last night. It didn't take long for you to come across the cabin and much to your delight, Ryan's car was nowhere to be seen.

Unable to wait any longer, you scurried out of the woods and into the cabin, heading straight for the kitchen. The first thing you did was head to the refrigerator, almost crying out of relief when you saw an abundance of water bottles. You quickly grabbed one and practically ripped the cap off, taking large gulps of the cool liquid to satisfy your parched throat.

You put the bottle down and started to look through the pantry when you sensed that you were no longer alone. Turning around was useless because you already knew who it was. “Y/N, how nice of you to return. Why don't you come with me so we can discuss your punishment for running off like that and leaving me all alone?”

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