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Yo walked along with Ging, not really paying attention to what the senior was saying.

"...and Nate is going, too, so, you should come celebrate with us."

Yo blinked. Oh...they're going out? At this time of night?? "Um-"

"Oh, never mind," Ging giggled to himself, waving at someone further down the sidewalk. He patted Yo's shoulder. "It looks like you have someone waiting for you. See you, Yo." He gave Yo a sly wink then turned and walked back to the small group of people talking near the doors.

Yo shook his head, amused, and turned to continue down the sidewalk. Pha was waiting for him by the car, leaning against it with folded arms. He pushed away from the car and strode over to Yo, wordlessly taking the garment bag and small bag of stuffed animals from Yo.

 He pushed away from the car and strode over to Yo, wordlessly taking the garment bag and small bag of stuffed animals from Yo

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"Hey, I can carry that," Yo protested weakly.

"Save your hands, Yo," Pha said, voice sweet and soft.

It made the younger blush. He felt only slightly embarrassed, but mostly full of happiness. Not until Pha had sent that photo of his old confession note via LINE did he even dream that the senior would have the same feelings he did. Even in the present it still felt kind of surreal to Yo.

"Wait a minute," Pha stopped him when they reached the trunk of the car. Yo blinked, watching as Pha set the garment bag and stuffed animals in the backseat, then came back out and pressed a button on his key fob, popping the trunk. "This is for you, Yo."

Yo's eyes widened, jaw nearly dropping in stunned amazement. So that's where some of my roses went... The inside of Pha's car trunk was completely covered in roses, the scent thick and sweet, filling Yo's senses until he almost felt like he was getting high off it. Yo turned his head, taking in the multiple damp spots on Pha's shirt and a rose petal clinging stubbornly to his hair. "P'Pha," Yo's voice was whisper soft. "You have a rose petal in your hair."

"Oh," Pha reached up, ruffling his hair a bit. "Did I get it?"

"Let me," Yo swallowed back a giggle, getting up on tiptoe and reaching for the petal, pinching it between thumb and forefinger and pulling it free of Pha's hair. He held it up for Pha to see. "I got it."

Pha's hand encased Yo's smaller one, the pad of his thumb tenderly caressing the skin of Yo's palm. Yo forced himself not to shiver. "And I got you," Pha teased, lifting Yo's hand to his mouth, pressing a quick kiss to Yo's fingers still holding the petal.

Yo gasped softly, staring up at Pha. D-did he just...

"You can kiss me back if you want, Yo," Pha winked at him.

A~nd...the moment's gone. Yo tugged his hand away, rubbing at one burning cheek. "No way," he muttered, hurrying to the passenger side of the car with Pha's chuckles following him.

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