<3 Family Time <3

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Mielle kept looking over at Pha and Yo, her sunglasses hiding her thoughtful look from Malee

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Mielle kept looking over at Pha and Yo, her sunglasses hiding her thoughtful look from Malee. She'd heard a lot about Yo from both Pha and Malee, but didn't have the chance to meet him in person until yesterday. He was a lot of fun, playing a board game with her when she knew he would've rather had time alone with Pha.

She'd seen the way Lily and James had separated Pha from Yo, most likely without realizing what they were doing, and causing problems between the two. Everyone in the beach house had heard Yo's tantrum yesterday afternoon, and knew it was Lily's fault, making Pha follow her out to the kitchen to talk to her. He'd told her Yo wanted him there, but...

Auntie and uncle are having a hard time letting him go, Mielle mused to herself. I wonder why? They're so supportive of P'Pha and P'Yo, but keep inserting themselves where they shouldn't be. I hope my parents don't act like that when I find a boyfriend. Mielle suppressed a shudder.

"Something wrong?" Malee shoved her sunglasses back up her nose, going back to building her sandcastle.

"Why are auntie and uncle interfering with P'Pha's life?" Mielle asked in a whisper.

Malee glanced back at her parents. "I don't really know. Guess they got used to P'Pha always being there, and don't want to let him go just yet. If they do the same thing to me, we're gonna have problems."

Mielle giggled. "I believe it."

James and Lily caught their attention, walking over to the dozing pair they'd been discussing. Mielle and Malee couldn't hear what was being said from where they were, but they could tell Pha wasn't pleased, and Yo didn't look at all happy.

"Mom!" Malee called, cupping her hands around her mouth to make her voice louder. "Dad! Come build sandcastles with me and Mielle!"

"What're you doing??" Mielle hissed.

"Getting them away from P'Pha and P'Yo before they cause another meltdown."

Mielle blinked. "Oh...good idea." She copied Malee, waving her hands over her head at them. "Come on! Auntie, you help me! Let's see if we can make a better castle than uncle and Malee!"

James made his way over, settling on the sand next to his daughter. "I was a champion sandcastle builder in my time. You and Lily are going down," he teased Mielle.

"I wouldn't count on that," Lily shot back, taking her spot next to Mielle. "You forget how artistic I am, darling. You're going to eat your words."


Yo greatly appreciated what Mielle and Malee did for them. "Quick," Yo struggled to roll over so he could get to his knees. "Let's go for a walk."

"Are you sure?" Pha did as Yo requested, helping him to his feet. "It's really hot today."

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