Kit & Ming

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Ming was nervous, butterflies fluttering in his stomach

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Ming was nervous, butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He wasn't just nervous...there was a touch of fear dulling his excitement about finally being one with Kit. Remembering that Kit would be the one in charge helped him calm down somewhat. He didn't have to top. He wasn't expected to make it perfect. He wasn't going to be edged for hours if he didn't do something just so.

That was the thing about Mu- her. Her punishments were way over the top and borderline sadistic. And most of the time, Ming hadn't been sure what exactly she was punishing him for.

Kit's hand entwining with his brought him out of his thoughts. His boyfriend softly smiled at him, squeezing his hand gently. "What's got you so deep in thought?"

I can't tell him what she did...Ming panicked inside his head. It'll hurt him. "Um..." then he realized something. "I just remembered...I didn't get any supplies..." He lowered his gaze, feeling like an idiot. I tell him I'm ready, yet I haven't bought what we need...Ugh, I don't even know what kind we need!

"So? We can just stop by a convenience store on the way back to the dorm," Kit shrugged. "Not a big deal."

Ming felt warm with love for Kit. "Okay," he said, leaning over to brush a chaste kiss against Kit's temple.

Kit turned his head, beaming. "What was that for?"

"I love you."

Kit's eyes softened even more than they already were. "I love you too, Ming."

Farther down, Ming could see Pha and Yo walking slowly towards the parking lot, hand in hand. Forth and Beam had already left, most likely to Forth's dorm room for some "fun". Win was laughing at Saint who was struggling to keep his krathong afloat. Win's had already been put into the water, floating merrily with all the others.

"Ready to go?" Kit asked.

Ming nodded, letting Kit lead him out of the dwindling crowd towards the parking lot to Kit's car. He got in the passenger seat, eyes locking on Kit's form as he got into the driver's seat, an involuntary smile on his face. The fear and nerves were slowly fading away the more he watched Kit. He managed to turn his head to look out the side window, rubbing the palms of his hands on his jeans to distract himself.

Kit noticed the movement out of the corner of his eye as he drove, frowning slightly in concern. Ming said he was ready...but is he really? I hope he's not just doing this to make me happy. "Ming," Kit asked carefully. "Are you okay?"

"Perfectly fine," Ming chirped happily, giving Kit a sweet smile.

Kit blinked. Okay then... He pulled up to the curb outside of the convenience store, parking the car. "You want to come in with me?"

Ming screwed his mouth to the side, shaking his head. "I's better if I don't. I have no clue what to get. She always...uh..." he trailed off as Kit's expression turned stormy.

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