The Truth Revealed

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He thought it wouldn't take long before he had everything packed and on the moving truck

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He thought it wouldn't take long before he had everything packed and on the moving truck. There had been no point in asking people for help. He didn't want to be pitied, anyway. If anyone said anything, he'd burst into tears, and nothing would get done. Even now, shoving things into boxes and suitcases by himself, he was close to losing it. His phone started going off. He ignored it for a short while, not willing to answer and let whoever was on the other end hear how upset he was. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and answered.


"Baby, where are you?? I've been calling you the last half hour!"

Yo frowned, glancing at the clock on the wall. Shit...has it been that long?? "Sorry, P'Pha. Is something wrong?"

"Yes. I'm in our room, and you're not on the bed where I left you. Care to tell me where you ran off to without telling me?"

"Uh..." Yo scrambled for an answer. He sighed, deciding to just tell the truth. "I'm at my house."

Silence. "Is your father home?"

"No. I'm packing my things. I should be done before too long."

"Is anyone there with you??" Pha sounded concerned.

Yo swallowed hard against the lump in his throat. "N-no...I came by myself. I couldn't...couldn't..." he closed his eyes against the sudden tears. "Sorry, I-"

"I'll be there soon." There was a 'click' as Pha hung up.

Yo set the phone back on the nightstand where he'd had it before, sniffling back his tears, and went back to packing his belongings. If he could just keep busy, he wouldn't be able to think about what he was doing or why. The staff had been nice enough to tell him when his father would be gone, and they promised to alert him to when the man was returning. They also offered to help box things up, but Yo declined, saying he'd be alright by himself.

What felt like seconds later, but had to be at least forty minutes, Pha was walking through the door, gathering Yo into his arms. "My poor baby," he murmured into Yo's hair, stroking the younger's back lovingly.

Yo lost the battle against his tears, and he started sobbing into Pha's shirt. "Just being here hurts...I wanna go home."

"I know, baby, I know. Let's get this done, and we'll go home, and you'll never have to come here again."

"Hey, Yo."

Yo peeked over Pha's shoulder, surprised to see Ming, Kit, Beam, Forth, even Win and Blue were there, standing in the hallway. "W-what..." He looked up Pha, bewildered.

"It'll go faster this way," Pha said softly, kissing Yo's forehead. "Now," he pulled back a bit, surveying the room. "What goes in the boxes?"

Yo drew his sleeve across his eyes to get rid of the tears and pointed at the boxes on the bed. "Those are for my books."

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