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(A/N: I hate Wattpad, yes I do. I hate Wattpad, what about you? XD It's STILL giving me problems about the picture, aaaaaaaahhhhh...)

(2nd A/N: Got it to work. *grin*)

It had been two weeks since the festival, and Blue was starting to feel tired. Liam had popped up every day at breakfast, lunch, even after classes were done, to offer him a ride back to his dorm. It made no sense to Blue since the Science Faculty and the Law Faculty were further apart than even the Engineering and Med Faculties. But Blue found himself accepting the ride. Sing was still running from Zee, and Blue couldn't tell if he was scared or angry about Zee's attention, and Win had taken to studying for a couple hours in the library a couple days a week and didn't want to be disturbed. Since they weren't leaving with him, and he'd gotten a ride from one of them, he was stranded unless he rode with Liam.

So he swallowed his pride and said 'yes' the third time Liam offered to take him back to his dorm.

Blue wasn't stupid. He knew exactly why Liam was hanging around so much. It was flattering, but Blue was still getting over the breakup with Zee. Now that he knew who Zee had broken up with him for, he couldn't really blame the other guy. Sing was bigger than Blue, and seemed more able to handle Zee's roughness. Not that Blue didn't enjoy being kind of manhandled's just he didn't want it all the time. He wanted to be treated gently, sweet and soft, too. Not like a girl, but just to be reassured of the other's love.

"You okay?"

Blue glanced over at Liam. "I'm fine. Why?"

Liam shrugged, turning the left turn signal on and pulling into the dorm Blue lived in. "You're just really quiet today. Usually, you complain about Sing or Win, or even a professor."

Blue frowned. "Liam, give me the honest truth: do I look like a wimp to you?"

"What??" Liam looked at him, startled. "Where's this coming from?"

"Just answer the question!"

"No, of course not," Liam sounded amused. "I know if I did anything you hated, I'd probably be flat on my back wondering how I got there."

Blue laughed quietly. Yeah, I'd probably do that. "Thanks."

"Why would you ask that?"

"Was wondering if that may have been why Zee left me for Sing," Blue admitted, feeling stupid for even thinking it.

Liam was silent for a moment. "Do you still have feelings for him?"

" sucks that he broke up with me like that, but no, I don't love him anymore. He's just a friend now." Blue bit back a smile at the relief on Liam's face. "Have you been in a relationship before?"

"I had a couple girlfriends, but neither were very nice," Liam admitted, frowning.

Blue sighed, "Girls are weird. I could never understand them growing up. I think that's part of the reason I lean more towards dating guys."

"They are a bit easier to understand, since it's the same gender," Liam agreed, the corners of his mouth curving upwards slightly.

"Not always. Same-sex couples are sometimes even more violent than heterosexual ones," Blue said quietly. "I've heard stories of some boys nearly dying because their partner abused them so badly. Or they raped their partner. Sickens me to think about it."

Liam gripped the steering wheel tighter. From the sound of it, he doesn't know about Win. He glanced at Blue, who was lost in thought while gazing out the front windshield. Of course, the only reason I know about it is because P'Ohm was my idiotic cousin. Bastard deserved what he got.

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