University Models

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4F was in the middle of a photo shoot for the university website and the 4F fanpage when Yo's phone started ringing. He went off to answer it.


"Hey, baby. How's the shoot going?"

Yo leaned against the wall, watching as the girls were posed into a cute group formation, smiling at the camera. "Pretty good. I'm so tired of having pictures taken of me, though. And I have assignments to do."

Pha chuckled softly. "Poor Yo. I'll pick you up some dinner after my class is done. Sound okay?"

"Mm, more than okay!" Yo smiled. The tiredness and aches in his joints seemed to magically dissipate with the promise of time with Pha. "Can we have pizza?"

"No sushi?"

"I do love sushi, but I'm really in the mood for pizza today. Or was there something you wanted?"

"Pizza is fine with me, baby. I'll see you soon."

Yo waved when Good caught his attention, mouthing it was their turn. "Yup. See you."

"Bye, Yo."

"Bye, P'Pha."

"Boss, it's our turn!"

Yo made a funny face at Good, slipping his phone back into his back pocket. "I know, I know. I'm coming."


"Why are you telling me this only now??" Yo stared incredulously at Nate and Lemon.

Both gave him guilty looks, not saying anything.

"This is insane..." Yo groaned, pacing a bit before stopping and fixing them with a stern glare. "You do realize I'm gonna have to find replacements for you both before you can officially quit? And do you understand how hard that is??"

 "You do realize I'm gonna have to find replacements for you both before you can officially quit? And do you understand how hard that is??"

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"Sorry, Yo," Nate murmured, ducking her head.

Lemon nodded. "Yeah. I'm sorry too. But my parents want me to focus on my studies, and to be honest," she grimaced. "My grades have taken a slight nosedive since I started focusing on the group. I hate to say it, but they're right."

"Great...just great," Yo sighed. He folded his arms, wondering what the hell he was gonna do now... "Let me know if you've found a girl that can sing and dance in your faculty, Lemon. I'll keep a lookout in my own."

"Okay," Lemon was relieved. "Again, I'm truly sorry to do this to you. I know all the responsibility is on your shoulders as the leader."

Would be nice if you two had told me this a lot earlier! Yo complained to himself. "It's fine. I'll manage. You girls can go now, since your parts are done."

Lemon and Nate quickly left, not wanting to chance Yo getting angrier at them. Aim and Mean soon followed after them. Fortunately for Yo, neither of them had mentioned anything about quitting the group, and Yo was grateful. He didn't want to have to search for four replacements at the same time.

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