Family Invasion

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Beam was the only one still awake, gazing sleepily at the TV

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Beam was the only one still awake, gazing sleepily at the TV. He pressed a button, changing the channel in an effort to find something worthwhile to watch. Now that Ming and Kit were back in Bangkok, things were a lot quieter and boring. He glanced over at Yo and Win. Both boys were fast asleep on the couch, leaning against each other. Beam shifted in his seat, grimacing slightly. After the long hard day of competing, and even having to make dinner along with Pha - while making sure Pha didn't just make food Yo would like (shitty friend) - Forth had decided it was a fantastic idea to get frisky in the shower before bed. Then in the bed - multiple times.

Which he'd done each night, three nights in a row since.

Beam had finally begged off around three in the morning last night, desperate for some sleep. And his ass needed a break, too. It felt like Forth had broken it.

From the looks of Win and Yo, those two hadn't fared any better than he had, although Yo had been aiming for that the past few days by riling Pha up. Yo was tired but smugly satisfied when he came out of their room for breakfast that morning. Win, however, was falling asleep in his food, neck marked up even more than it had been before. He seemed to wake up when Saint walked in without a shirt on, displaying the scratches on his back and the hickeys on his own neck, making Win blush as red as a lobster. Yo teased him about it, smirking as Win's face grew even redder.

Then the three of them had turned down requests from their boyfriends about going for a walk, instead vegging on the couch. Yo was the first to fall asleep, unsurprising to the others. Being nearly seven months pregnant would do that to a person. Win struggled to stay awake, grumbling about how Saint wouldn't let him sleep, being too energetic last night. He dozed off halfway through the Avengers movie marathon.

Beam yawned, eyes sliding shut as he finally started to give in to his own exhaustion.

"P'Beam!" squealed a familiar voice.

Beam forced his eyes back open, irritated his naptime was being interrupted. "Oh," he smiled. "Hi, N'Malee. What're you doing here?"

"Surprise!" she giggled, rushing forward for a hug

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"Surprise!" she giggled, rushing forward for a hug. "Mom, dad, Mielle and I came to spend some time with P'Pha and P'Yo, and you guys, too!"

"Us too, eh?" Beam teased, hugging her and hiding a wince as she squeezed his sore body too hard. Oooow... "Easy, N'Malee. We did a lot of activities yesterday, and I'm still aching some."

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