Stubborn Win

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Yo purposefully acted like he didn't notice most things around him. Partly because he counted on being underestimated so no one would confront him over anything, but also because he liked taking people off-guard. His friends were no exception to the latter reason. And being pregnant, no one really considered him a threat of any sort.

Boy, were they wrong.

Yo and Ming were sitting in the Law canteen for lunch, visiting with Sing, Blue and Win. Sing and Blue were quietly working on a joint project for extra credit at the far end of the table while Win was reading a book and eating his own lunch. Yo and Ming were sitting next to each other, directly across the tale from Win.

"I saw N'Saint yesterday," Ming casually mentioned, making sure to not look at Win who had tensed at Ming's words.

"Oh?" Yo rested his chin on his fist, directing his gaze at Ming. "What was he doing?"

 "What was he doing?"

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"Visiting a cousin. She goes to a rival university of ours."

"Has he decided which university to attend?"

"He's got it narrowed down to the one his cousin goes to and this one. Personally, I think he should go to the one P'Annie - his cousin - attends. They have a better criminal justice curriculum."

Win was shooting Ming a dirty look.

Yo nodded, pretending he hadn't noticed Win's reaction. "I agree. He needs to go where he'll get the best education. But it's gonna be hard for him. His two friends are coming here."

"How do you know?"

"They told me at his birthday party. He's applied all over and already been accepted into about five or so universities, all with criminal justice majors."

"Hey, even though his friends won't be there, at least his cousin will be. He won't totally be alone," Ming picked up his empty plate to dispose of it. "And he can always make new friends, you know."

Yo nodded. "True. And-"

"I'm done," Win interrupted him, closing his book with a sharp 'snap' and taking his plate to the dirty dish pile, then leaving the canteen.

Yo and Ming smirked at each other. Mission accomplished.


Win threw himself into practice that day. He wanted to wear himself out enough that he slept well that night, and so his thoughts wouldn't keep him awake, tormenting him about a certain kid. He ignored Blue's worried looks and Ming's little smirk, acing each and every step that Yo put them through. Ming wasn't the only one giving him little smirks and knowing glances. Yo was sitting in his wheelchair, Forth standing next to him with arms folded, meeting Win's gaze every so often. Win refused to look Yo's way until practice was over.

When Yo dismissed them, Win shot out the door without a word to anyone. He texted Sing about hanging at the mall, and got a sure in response. He got into his car and drove off, breathing a sigh of relief that the others hadn't followed him. He really didn't want them talking about Saint around him at the moment. He'd already decided not to get in the kid's way when it came to his education, but...

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