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Blue and Saint were both very, very, very happy to be back with their boyfriends. They were sitting with Liam and Win on the curb after lunch, enjoying some quiet time with each other.

 They were sitting with Liam and Win on the curb after lunch, enjoying some quiet time with each other

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Until Kim appeared.

Saint gripped his hair as if to pull it out, annoyed that she was following him everywhere. He couldn't understand why she refused to stay where she was supposed to! "Kim, why aren't you at your own faculty???"

Win cocked his head, curious about what was going on. Saint hadn't really talked about the beach trip very much, so now he was wondering if something had happened. Plus, the last time Win had seen Saint's friend, it was back at The Blue Room, the gay bar Saint, Kim and Nam had gone to by accident.

Kim laughed as if Saint had told the funniest joke ever. "Silly, I have no classes for a couple hours, so I thought I'd come see you."

Saint knew better. "No. I'm not helping you."

"I didn't even say-"

"You want help with P'Yo. I warned you back at the hotel he wouldn't accept you. I said he was with P'Pha. Why can't you leave happy people alone??"

She rolled her eyes. "You're such a spoilsport."

Oooooh...she shouldn't have said that. Saint stood up, forcing Kim to tip her head back to look at him since he was taller than she was, and folded his arms angrily. "Kim. Leave PYo alone, or I'll talk to your mom."

"She won't care."

"Yes, she will," Saint had caught the small flash of uncertainty in her eyes. "If she hears about her precious baby girl, breaking up happy couples? She'd be so disappointed in you."

Kim screwed her mouth up as if she'd tasted something sour. "You're such a jerk."

Blue shifted closer to Liam, feeling better when he had his boyfriend's arm around his waist. He knew that Kim wouldn't go after him since he was gay, but he was still very wary of her. She was quite a weird girl.

"I'm a jerk?" Saint glared at her, thoroughly pissed off now. "I'm a jerk?? Kim, you're the jerk, here! Hurting people left and right! They don't deserve it, Kim, but you seem to think you aren't doing anything wrong!"

"Those guys could've said no," Kim shrugged.

Saint growled. "As if you really gave them a choice."

"Saint," Win was next to him, a gentle hand on his arm. "Calm down, hun."

In response, Saint turned and enveloped his smaller boyfriend into a hug, soaking in his calming warmth. "Sorry," Saint murmured, nosing Win's ear tenderly. "Didn't mean to get so angry."

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