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"Very funny, Ming."

"What? It's true."

"Do you want me to bite your hand off? Because I will." Would serve you right. Jerk.

"It's just a shirt, Yo."

Yo looked at the t-shirt Ming had given him, white with the black lettering: CAUTION! TOUCHING OF PREGNANT BELLY MAY RESULT IN LOSS OF HAND, then back at Ming, giving him a dirty look. "I'm not wearing this in public."


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"Aw..." Ming made a pouty face. "Why not?"

"First of all, I'm not temperamental like that-" Not yet, at least "-and second, P'Pha and I decided not to let anyone outside our friend group know about the baby until I was actually showing. Sheesh..." Yo shook his head, letting the shirt drop from his hand to the couch. "Why would you buy that anyway??"

"I saw it and thought it was funny. Figured you'd get a good laugh out of it."

Yo rolled his eyes, going back to folding the laundry he'd just brought back from the laundromat. "Whatever. I hope you experience this, and give me the chance to do stupid shit like that to you. Crazy friend."

Ming settled on the other side of the pile of laundry. "Not all of us are lucky enough to be able to have kids."

Yo looked at Ming, worried. He'd sounded sad and gloomy. "Ming? What's wrong?"

Ming shook his head, pretending to concentrate on folding a shirt. "Nothing."

"Bullshit. Tell me now, or I'll text P'Kit and ask him."

"Leave him alone," Ming muttered. "I just...I dunno...guess I envy you."

"You envy me?" Yo screwed his face up in confusion.

Ming kept folding, not meeting Yo's curious gaze. "Yeah. Here you are, able to give P'Pha a child, and...I can't. I can't give Kit a child. I can't give him anything near as special as that."

"P'Kit loves you just the way you are, Ming."

"I know. But I really wish I could do this for him."

"Then I curse you to be the next of our friend group to have a baby," Yo waggled his fingers at Ming's belly, speaking in a silly, eerie voice.

He actually got Ming to snort. "I don't think it works that way, but thanks, buddy."

"Seriously, though. It's not all fun and games carrying a baby," Yo said, going back to folding laundry. "I found out my hips are going to spread later on to make room for the baby to come out when it's time. And the baby's going to smush all my organs when it grows bigger, making it hard for me to breathe. I'm going to be waddling like an overgrown duck, and my body's going to ache really bad."

"So, if you could, you'd go back in time and make sure you didn't get pregnant?" Ming looked over him, brow furrowed.

Yo had a soft smile on his face, abandoning the laundry to lay his hands over the small bump. "No. I wouldn't do that. You don't know how sad I was to hear from my dad that I had a womb, but it didn't work. Then I find out not long after that it does work, and I'm already pregnant. That's a lot to take in."

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