Mother's Day

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Nam sat between Sing and Zee, fidgeting nervously with her hands in her lap. They were waiting for her parents to answer the video call on her laptop. She'd waited a few days after moving into her dorm room to contact them, and now it was mother's day, and the three of them were calling her mother and Zee's mother to wish them a happy Mother's Day.


"Mama!" Nam beamed happily, waving at her mom. "Happy Mother's Day!"

Nam's mom smiled lovingly at her daughter. "Thank you for remembering. Are those your boyfriends with you?"

"Yes, mama. This is P'Zee and P'Sing."

"Ah, older men?" Nam's mom winked. "That's my girl."

Nam flushed a deep red. "Mama!"

"Please, call me mama or P'Wendy," Nam's mom cheerfully told the two amused boys. "Try not to spoil my daughter too much! She's an only child and gets all the attention she could ever want."

Zee chuckled. "I'm afraid that'll be hard to do, P'Wendy."

"I see how it is. She has you wrapped around her little fingers already."

"Mama!" Nam practically shrieked, burying her face in her hands. How embarrassing!

Sing laughed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry, P'Wendy. We'll take care of her."

Wendy playfully waved a finger at them. "You'd better. I'll let you go now. I suppose you're going to call your mothers, too?"

Instead of correcting her and getting into the sad story, Sing just nodded and said, "Yes. We're calling Zee's mom next." He felt Nam's hand rub his knee comfortingly. "Happy Mother's Day, P'Wendy."

Wendy waved at them. "Thank you!"

Nam and Zee looked at Sing worriedly after ending the video call. "P'Sing?" Nam said tentatively. "Are...are you okay?"

"Yeah..." Sing nodded, taking the laptop and setting up the call for Zee's mom. "You ready, Zee?" He hit the call button before Zee could even say anything. "Hello, P'June!" Sing waii-ed Zee's mom as soon as she picked up the call.

June nodded and smiled back at him. "Hello, N'Sing, N'Nam. Zee," she arched a brow at her son. "Really? Nothing from my own flesh and blood?"

"You have two other sons and one daughter at home to bug you," Zee smirked. "I bet you hardly miss me."

"Mmm, that's true. Your father and I have been considering turning your room into an extra den."

"Go ahead. I'm planning to get an apartment after I graduate. I won't need the room."

"Are you sure? You might want it so you can visit."

"Nah. I can sleep on the couch. P'O and P'Ae do that."

"How many couches do you think we have??" June laughed.

"Or I can bring a cot or a sleeping bag," Zee shrugged. "I'm not picky. I can fall asleep anywhere."

"Like on his old motorbike?" Sing snarked in Nam's ear. She giggled, peeking at Zee.

Zee eyed them back. "Et tu, Sing."

"They know you so well, honey," June smirked.

"Happy Mother's Day!" Nam and Sing chorused together, cutting off whatever Zee was about to say.

Fine then. Zee gathered up a handful of Nam's hair, braiding it. Sing followed suit on the other side. Nam sat still, cheeks pink and a wide smile on her face. "Yeah, happy Mother's Day, mom."

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