We Can Date

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The first thing he noticed was that his head was throbbing. He remembered drinking at the bar the night before, girls chatting him up, though he didn't accept their offers to show him a good time. He hadn't been there for a good time. He wanted to drink and consider things. So he told the girls 'no thank you'.

So...why was he still waking up on someone's couch??

"Sing, wake up. You need to drink some water."

Sing cracked his eyes open

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Sing cracked his eyes open. Zee was reclined next to him, mischief in his eyes. He moved in as if to kiss Sing. "WHAT THE FUCK," Sing yelped, accidentally shoving himself off the couch. He glowered over the edge of the couch at Zee who was busy laughing his ass off.

"Wow, okay," Zee chortled. "What a reaction. I don't know whether to be amused, offended, or both."

"What am I doing here???" Sing demanded, wincing and rubbing his aching head. Oooww...I shouldn't have yelled.

Zee offered him a hand. Feeling weak and sick, Sing reluctantly accepted it, settling back on the couch. "You were really drunk last night. Do you remember anything?"

"...uh..." Sing struggled to think. "Girls...I turned down a lot of girls."

Zee cocked his head, curious. "Oh? Why?"

"Wasn't there for that. Wanted to think," Sing cringed, remembering downing glass after glass of beer. "Ugh...alcohol isn't the best thing to help a guy think."

"No kidding," Zee snorted. "What do you remember next?"

"Um...wanting someone there to talk to?" Sing looked up at Zee, confused. "Everything's a blur after the fifteenth girl."

"You called me, babbled some gibberish about us and I couldn't really make out what you were saying, but I went to pick you up, and..." Zee shrugged.

Sing felt a stab of apprehension. "What?? What'd I do???"

"You lectured me about confusing unsuspecting straight boys all the way to my place."

Sing stared at him. "I did...what???" Holy shit...holy shit...I'll never live this down!!

Zee didn't laugh like Sing thought he would. "What about me confuses you, Sing?"

"Why me?" Sing asked bluntly, folding his arms as if to protect himself from Zee's words. "Why on earth would you break up with someone sweet and gentle like Blue for someone like me? I don't get it! And before you say anything," Sing shot him a look when he opened his mouth to protest Sing's words. "I'm not being hard on myself. I'm just saying I can see how different I am from Blue. He likes singing, dancing, cuddling, gooey stuff like that. I'm more action and roughhousing."

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