Watch Over Me

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Pha was concerned. His baby Yo wasn't acting like his usual self.

Currently, they were sitting in the examination room at the hospital, waiting for Dr. Jaruji to come in and give Yo and the baby their bimonthly check-up. Yo was settled on the table, picking at the protective paper with a fingernail, sighing softly every few moments. He rubbed at his eye a couple times, making it red and irritated.

"Yo, are you tired?"

All Pha got was Yo slowly shaking his head. He wouldn't even meet Pha's gaze.

Pha shifted forward in his chair. "Do you feel any pain?"

Yo sighed softly again, then shrugged

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Yo sighed softly again, then shrugged. He clasped his hands together, fidgeting with his fingers.


Pha got interrupted by Dr. Jaruji coming in. "Hello, if it isn't my favorite patient," he said cheerfully. "How have you been doing, N'Yo?"

"Fine," Yo mumbled.

Pha jumped in with, "He hasn't been complaining of as many aches or anything. But he did lose his balance the other day. I had to catch him before he fell."

"That's to be expected. The baby is throwing off his center of gravity. And I'm glad to hear the aches have lessened," Dr. Jaruji put a blood pressure cuff on Yo's arm. "That means his body is almost done changing. We're getting closer to the end."

Pha spotted the little furrow between Yo's brows. It grew as Dr. Jaruji squeezed the air bulb, making the cuff tighten on Yo's arm. "Any continued food sensitivities?"

"He still can't stand eggs."

"But he eats plenty of meat?"


"Then I wouldn't worry about the eggs, as long as he's getting protein. N'Yo, have you-"

"Take it off," Yo whined, suddenly squirming on the table, tugging at Dr. Jaruji's hold on his arm.

Dr.Jaruji paused. "Take what off?"

"The hurts, take it off..."

Pha was next to Yo's side in an instant. "Yo, baby, he needs to check your blood pressure."

"I don't care!" Yo snapped, taking Pha by surprise.

Dr. Jaruji shook his head at Pha. Don't argue with him about it. "Alright, I'm taking it off," he gently removed the cuff, keeping a careful eye on Yo as he rubbed his arm, an oddly angry look in his eyes. "Does your arm hurt, Yo?"

"It does now," Yo muttered, shifting in his seat.

"May I measure your belly?" Dr. Jaruji asked, not even reaching for the measuring tape yet.

Yo looked at Dr, Jaruji, considering it. "Yeah..." But he wasn't any happier about that, either. He sighed a few times, reluctantly raising his arms so Dr. Jaruji could measure him. "I feel fine."

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