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Yo was very much ready to give birth to Love. His hips constantly ached, his back felt like it was permanently curved, and he was waddling everywhere like a freaking duck. He waited inside the bathroom for Pha to come in so they could have their morning shower together before leaving for the bimonthly appointment with Dr. Jaruji. Yo was not happy about leaving the apartment today. No classes, no need to be anywhere, but they still had to go to the hospital for him to get checked out. He really didn't want to.

"Ready, baby?"

Yo stuck out his lower lip in a pout. "I'd rather sleep some more."

Pha paused for a moment, sneaking a look at his pouting fiance. Yo was sitting on the closed toilet lid, arms wrapped around his middle as usual, one arm over and one arm under his huge belly, cradling their unborn daughter. Even with the pout, Yo looked so beautiful to Pha. He couldn't resist kissing that tempting mouth.

Yo blinked in surprise when Pha drew back, pink cheeks and a shy smile replacing the pout

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Yo blinked in surprise when Pha drew back, pink cheeks and a shy smile replacing the pout. "What was that for?"

"Can't I kiss you just because?" Pha teased, tenderly brushing their noses together.

Yo giggled. "Of course you can." He pulled Pha back in for another kiss, a longer one this time.

Now that Yo was in a better mood, the shower went smoothly. Pha was able to help Yo get in and out without any complaints, just a kiss here and there. Then they were drying off, still sneaking kisses like shy schoolboys, cheeks pink from the warm shower, and lips red from the numerous kisses.

"I like mornings like this," Yo said out of the blue as Pha was pulling on a shirt.

"Mornings like this?" Pha was pretty sure he knew what Yo was talking about.

"Yeah. We don't have to rush. We can enjoy being close," Yo smiled, feeling happy and content. He changed the subject. "Are Forth and P'Beam still coming with us?"

"That's the plan, baby. I'll text them to make sure."

"Okay." Yo managed to get his shirt on by himself. It took a little stubborn pulling and rearranging, but he got it on. Instead of one of the many shirts Ming had given him with sayings and pictures, he'd chosen a simple, light pink maternity shirt that showed off his eight and a half month belly. "P'Phaaaaa," he made a face at the maternity shorts. Those were another story. "Can you help me?"

Pha was rewarded with even more kisses after Yo was fully dressed. "Breakfast?" He suggested, helping Yo walk out to the table.

Yo gripped Pha's hands, slowly lowering himself into a chair. "Yeah," he breathed out, glad to be sitting down again. "Do we have any pancake mix left?"

"We have two boxes, Yo," Pha called back, searching the cabinets. "Do you want anything with them?"

"Chocolate syrup and strawberries, please," Yo said sweetly. His mind was already on what he'd eat for lunch. He was thinking about having fried chicken again. He really had a taste for chicken lately...

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