Baby Shopping

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Studying himself in the mirror, Yo wondered if he'd gone a little overboard? He turned to the side, frowning at his reflection. "Ming, do you think I look okay?"

Ming looked up from the pregnancy book of Yo's he'd been reading. "I like it. Does P'Pha know?"

"Nope," Yo giggled softly. "It's a surprise. Not too much Moon and Star stuff, right?"

"I like the shirt. But I think you should probably take to wearing that new one I got you. You know, 'Touch the bump, I punch the throat."

Yo cackled, remembering the way Pha had been dying laughing when Ming gave Yo the shirt. "I will the next time I leave the apartment. So," he looked at himself in the mirror again. "I look okay?"

Ming sighed, closing the book and shifting in his seat on Yo's bed. "Yes, Yo. You look more than okay. You're glowing, and not even your mask or sunglasses will be able to cover that."

Yo turned slowly, wary about his balance. He couldn't even bend down to reach his feet anymore, so Pha had helped him with the maternity pants, then Yo shooed him from the room to wait in the living room with Kit. He looked Ming's outfit over, smiling. "You look cute. Did you pick your clothes out?"

Ming looked down at himself. "Nah. I asked Kit to toss me the first clothes he found, and this is what I got."

"I have some pink sunglasses Cake gave me

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"I have some pink sunglasses Cake gave me. They'd go nicely with that shirt," Yo offered, hopeful Ming would accept.

"Sure," Ming was amused. It seemed that pregnancy hormones weren't just making Yo touchy, but also more fashionable. He liked to look good.

"Are you wearing a mask too?" Yo asked, carefully walking over to the dresser and grabbing the pink sunglasses off the top.

Ming shrugged. "Kit probably has one for me."

"I hope it's pink, like your shirt. That would be really cute."

"Yo," Ming complained, making a face at his grinning cousin. "Shut up. I don't want people calling me cute."

"P'Kit thinks you're cute, so there," Yo shot back, handing Ming the sunglasses. "And what is wrong with being cute? You've always had a cute face. Even your past girlfriends said so." He winced slightly when Love started kicking. Ooooow, baby girl...not mommy's kidneys again!

"You okay?" Ming was concerned, watching how Yo rubbed the side of his round belly and grimaced.

"She kicked me in the kidneys again," Yo complained, wrinkling his nose.

That had Ming laughing. "Active little baby, isn't she."

"Too active. Especially at night, when I'm trying to sleep. Plus, she nailed P'Pha in the ribs again last night. Woke him up, but I somehow slept through it."

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