Romantic Evening

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Yo trudged inside the canteen, flopping onto the seat between Montree and Cake, then immediately folded his arms on the tabletop and dropped his head on them with a loud groan.

"What's wrong?" One of the twins asked.

"I hate that I'm the one planning the performances for the festivals. Sure, it's fun dancing, but I really want to strangle the people who voted me the group leader."

Cake leaned close, patting Yo's shoulder in sympathy. "If you want some help, just ask me and Mon."

"Yeah," Mon piped up cheerily. "We're willing to help you out."

"Our first performance is during the festival of lights," Yo sighed out, lifting his head.

Cake clapped her hands in excitement like a little kid. "Really??? Oh, that's so cool!"

"Unh. I've already put together a tentative list of songs we're doing. Now I have to worry about costumes, making sure we have a stage to dance on, hair and makeup..." Yo listed off. He rubbed at one eye tiredly, stifling a yawn. He'd been up late the night before working on the list.

The twins, Red and Fatty all exchanged worried looks. Yo looked so much more exhausted now then he did while getting ready for the Moon and Star competition!

Yo pulled his phone out to message Ming about who to talk to about hair and makeup when Pha sent him a message. Yo blinked tiredly, having to read it a couple times before it sank in.

Pha: Go out with me tonight?

A smile involuntarily crept over his face. Just reading your message makes me feel less tired, P'Pha... Damn, but he loved that man.

Yo: That depends...where are you planning to take me?

Pha: If I could, heaven ;)

Yo: P'PHA >.<

Pha: 5555 It's a surprise. You'll like it.

Yo: <.< Not so sure after that remark...

Pha: Au, don't you trust me? T.T

Yo: Yes. But I know you.

Pha: It's not bad.

Yo: Ok. What time?

Pha: Is 5 ok?

Yo: Perfect. My last class ends at four thirty.

Pha: I'll pick you up in front of your faculty, then.

Yo: ^_^ See you then, P'Pha!

Pha: See you, baby <3

Yo: <3

"E'Yo, no fair!" Montree cried dramatically. "Shoving it in our faces how happy and taken you are!"

Yo raised a single, unimpressed eyebrow, totally unmoved by Montree's words. His expression made Cake and Fatty giggle hysterically. "If you're that distressed over being single, go get a boyfriend. Nobody's stopping you."

Montree scrunched his face up. "None of the boys in our faculty are my type."

"Then look elsewhere. There's plenty of guys on campus."

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