@ The Beach

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The beach was so beautiful this year

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The beach was so beautiful this year. Ming wished Kit could have come along, if only to see how pretty the water looked, or just to get away from his insane study/tutor schedule. But he couldn't. So Ming and Yo were rooming with none other than Saint, both so their fiances wouldn't worry quite so much, and so Win wouldn't worry about girls hitting on his boyfriend. A win-win situation for everyone.

Since Yo wasn't planning on doing a lot of walking or moving around, he hadn't brought his wheelchair. Ming had been surprised because Pha hadn't argued with Yo over it. Then Yo explained that the doctor said it was only needed for long distances, and since he wasn't going to walk around by himself too much, he didn't need it during this trip. A part of Ming was envious, since he still needed his for any distance.

Yo kept his hand on Ming's shoulder while Saint pushed Ming's wheelchair, the three of them heading straight for their room. Instead of chancing things with the bus this year, Saint had driven them to the beach. Ming was still suffering through his morning sickness and didn't need the added jolts and shuddering of the bus to make him feel worse, and Yo still had motion sickness problems. So, when Saint volunteered to drive his car, they jumped at the chance.

"Just letting you know, P'Yo," Saint said nervously while Yo was digging through his bag for the sunscreen. "My friend, Kim, is the Star of Applied & Fine Arts, so..."

Yo quirked an eyebrow in curiosity. "Okay?"

Saint decided to just tell Yo and get it over with. "She'll chase after you. I thought you should know before you meet her."

"Chase after me?"

"She...likes cute guys, and..." Saint shifted from one foot to the other. "She doesn't care if they're already in a relationship. Not that I think she can really cause any trouble for you or P'Pha! But I just thought you should know so she doesn't take you by surprise."

Yo blinked at him a couple times. "Oh...okay. Thanks. Can you show me a picture so I know what she looks like?"

Ming shook his head in weary amusement, texting his KitKat.

Kit: Please stick as close to Yo and N'Saint as you can, just in case. :( Wish I could've come with you...

Ming: Me too. Miss you a lot, KitKat.

Kit: Miss you too, bunny.

Ming, if he'd been anyone else, would've squealed in happiness at the text. Instead, he only allowed a happy smile to show, and texted Kit back.

Ming: Can we go to the beach again next summer? Just us and the baby?

Kit: I'm for it. Which beach are you thinking of?

Ming: Not sure...didn't get that far, 555+

Kit: 555, silly bunny. How about I plan it, and surprise you.

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