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Yo and Ming sat in the empty classroom, waiting for Dean to show up. Yo had contacted him before classes that day, saying that they were all in for promoting the university. Yo noticed something was off with Ming while waiting. He kept sighing and staring at his phone, scrolling through messages.

"Ming," Yo said softly. "What's wrong?"

Ming shook his head, not saying a word.


"Just thinking about something...that's all," Ming murmured, still staring at his phone. It went 'ding', signaling a message. Ming's eyes grew bleak and he set the phone on the desktop. "I'm so stupid..." he groaned under his breath, running both hands through his hair and pulling at it in frustration.

Yo reached over and pulled his hands down. "Stop that, or you'll be bald before you turn twenty."

"Can I ask you some personal questions, Yo?" Ming turned to him, eyes pleading.

"Can I ask you some personal questions, Yo?" Ming turned to him, eyes pleading

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Yo raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"You've already had sex with P'Pha, right?"

"Um..." Yo felt his face flush. He reluctantly nodded. "Yes...why?"

"What's it like, being on the bottom?"

"...why do you want to know??" Yo gave him a strange look. "Does P'Kit want to try topping?"

Ming sighed, looking away.

"I can't tell you how different it is from topping since I haven't done that yet. But it can be very nice, if your partner knows what he's doing," Yo told him honestly.

"Is it painful?"

"Eh, maybe a little. But the pain goes away after a bit. And it's worth it in the end, trust me."

"Kit asked if I was okay with him topping our first time," Ming admitted quietly.

Yo was shocked. "You haven't done it yet? Why not?"

"...I can't," Ming lowered his gaze to his hands, ashamed. "Because...I just can't, okay?"

I really hate Muwan now, Yo thought bitterly, reaching over again to place his hand over one of Ming's to comfort him. She's really screwed up Ming's view of himself. "There's nothing wrong with letting P'Kit top, Ming. If you're fine with it, then do it. I can't tell you what you will and won't like. That's for you to decide." Yo waited. Ming didn't move, just kept staring at his lap. "P'Kit is nothing like Muwan, Ming. He won't hurt you or force you to do anything you don't want to do. I've never seen a guy so attentive and loving in my life - save for P'Pha."

Ming lifted his head, smiling weakly. "I think I just needed that reassurance from you. Thanks. I feel better now."

"So..." Yo cocked his head.

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