Beach Trip

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The silence in the car was deafening. At least, it was to Forth. Not awkward, but still loud in his ears. He reached over to turn on the radio.

"Wait," Beam's hesitant grasp on his wrist stopped him. "Can we...can we talk?"

"About what?" Forth glanced at Beam before focusing back on the road.

"Your friends aren't going to suddenly show up and crash our weekend, are they?"

Forth huffed a laugh at the question. He'd been expecting something more serious. "No. I threatened them into promising not to barge in on us. Don't worry." His eyes flickered to Beam again. The smaller guy had a pensive expression, chewing at his lower lip. "How about your friends?"

"Nah. They're too busy with their own boyfriends to concern themselves with tagging along and giving us a hard time."

"That's good," Forth nodded.

Beam's hand was on his arm. "It's been a while since I've gone to the beach," he murmured. "Might have forgotten how to swim by now."

Forth's tone turned teasing. "Don't worry. If you start to sink, I'll save you."

"You just wanna give me mouth to mouth."

"Can you blame me?"

"Not really. I'd do the same to you."

Forth chuckled. Beam's hand softly glided up and down Forth's arm, the touch soothing. Ever since they'd confessed to each other a few days ago, Beam hadn't been able to stop touching Forth when they met up. If Forth thought Kit and Pha were bad with PDA, Beam was on a whole other level. He'd cuddle up into Forth's side when they got together for meals, wrap both arms around his waist, and not move, even to eat. Forth had to feed him by hand to get him to eat his food. Then there was the hand holding, playing footsie under the table, and even kissing his cheek in greeting - both for when they met up and when they were parting.

Not that Forth was complaining. If he had his way, he'd keep Beam with him at all times. Beam's need to keep physical contact was like a drug for Forth. He liked it.

The hand moved further up, cupping the back of his neck while the fingers gently kneaded the muscles. "You feel kind of tense. Everything okay?"

"Mm...had to deal with hot headed seniors last night. The usual."

"Assholes," Beam muttered, leaning over to use Forth's shoulder as a pillow for his head while his hand continued to caress it's way across Forth's other shoulder, finally halting. "I oughta knock their heads together..."

Forth smiled. So protective...


Beam walked along the water's edge, feeling the weight of all the worries, doubts and insecurities of the past week tumble from his shoulders

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Beam walked along the water's edge, feeling the weight of all the worries, doubts and insecurities of the past week tumble from his shoulders. There was something about the beach that made everything wrong seem so small, as if the problems couldn't reach him there between the hot sun, sand, and cool water. Behind him was Forth, keeping close to him without speaking.

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