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Pha was nearly at his wit's end. Ever since the disaster with Ohm and his goons, Yo began venturing outside their apartment less and less, too scared to face anybody. Not even Ming could get him to walk outside the door most days. He was skipping classes, avoiding people, and not eating properly. One day he'd be eating enough for a group of men, and the next not even a baby could survive on the amount he ate, and even that little bit was soon gone because he felt too sick to keep it down.

Then there were the crying fits. Pha would either wake up in the middle of the night with a sobbing Yo, still asleep and clinging to him for comfort, or he'd find him huddled in the bathtub while silently bawling his eyes out at the end of the day. And sometimes he'd just start crying out of nowhere and would make a little nest of blankets and pillows in their bed, refusing to come out. The only person he felt the safe with was Pha, constantly seeking comfort and warmth in his arms.

 The only person he felt the safe with was Pha, constantly seeking comfort and warmth in his arms

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Pha knew Yo needed help. Almost a week after the incident, he waited until Yo was asleep, napping on him while they watched a harmless anime, and called his mother.

"N'Pha, is everything alright?" Adranuch answered the phone after only one ring.

Pha gently caressed Yo's head, fighting back tears as he reluctantly said, "No, P'Addie. It's not. Yo needs help and..." he swallowed hard as Yo snuggled into him, head on his chest. "I can't give it to him. Not this time. He needs a professional."

There was some mumbling in the background. "N'Pha, here is what you should do. Chan and I have a wonderful psycho-therapist that helped us get through the death of our daughter. We still see her from time to time. Her name is Dr. Jaruji. I'll message you her contact info."

"Will she allow me in the room with him? He hasn't let me out of his sight this whole time..."

"Probably for the first few sessions, but Yo will eventually need to try to stand on his own. I understand that this is all very hard on him. Can you tell our son that we've found a trustworthy bodyguard for him for when he starts going out again? Until he feels he doesn't need the man anymore?"

"Yes, I'll tell him. Thank you so much. I didn't know..." Pha trailed off, too choked up to finish. My poor baby, he thought sadly, pressing a little kiss to Yo's forehead. The boy was still sleeping, completely relaxed in Pha's arms. "P'Addie, I'm glad Yo has you and P'Chan."

"And we are very glad Yo has you, N'Pha. Or should I just call you Pha? Since you'll be our son-in-law someday," Adranuch's voice was warm.

"I'd be honored, P'Addie."

"Take care of our boy, Pha. He needs you the most right now."

"I will. I'll do my best."

"I know you will. As soon as Yo is able, come visit us. Chan and I miss you two so much."

Pha smiled. "We miss you too, P'Addie." Not even a minute after they hung up, Pha saw the signs that Yo was having another nightmare. His face was scrunched up as if in pain, body trembling, and he started shifting in Pha's arms. "Baby, wake up," Pha said, wishing for the umpteenth time that there was a way he could join Yo in his dreams and literally fight his demons. If only... "Yo, honey, it's just a dream..."

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