Sweet Moments

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"Are you sure this is okay?"

Pring squeezed Kookai's hand lightly to reassure her. "It's fine. Everyone else gets to have their boyfriend or girlfriend come, so why not us?" She dropped a kiss on the tip of Kookai's nose. "Come on. Eat with me?"

 Eat with me?"

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"Okay..." Kookai shyly smiled. Her gaze dropped to their clasped hands as Pring pulled her inside the Med canteen.

"Hey," Pring looked left and right. "Where's Pha and my little brother?"

Beam didn't even bother looking up. "Yo's probably hurting again, so they might be late."

Kit, sitting next to Beam with his arm snaked around Ming's waist, nodded in agreement. "You know his due date is getting closer."

"I'm glad for his sake it's before the competition," Pring said, settling on the other side of the table with Kookai. And I'm glad Kookai and I don't have to go through that.

"He's been acting normal at the practices," Kookai mentioned, worried about her friend. "Is he really in that much pain?"

Beam and Kit shared a look. "Only Yo can really answer that," Kit finally said.

Ming put his fork down. "You're a female, so it probably wouldn't hurt as much. But Yo and I are males born with wombs. Our bodies have to get used to carrying a baby then giving birth. It's bound to hurt the first time, no matter how careful we are."

"Hey," Kit didn't like the sound of that.

"I'm not in pain right now, KitKat," Ming smiled, resting his chin on Kit's shoulder. "I'm just telling her how it will be for us."

"Sorry we're late."

Yo had such a painful grimace on his face as Pha slowly and gently lowered him on the seat, that everyone was cringing in sympathetic pain. "Yeah," his voice was rough, breathing controlled. "Sorry. Woke up and found the baby dropped while I was asleep."

Ming's eyes fell to the top of Yo's belly. It barely showed over the edge of the table. "It's that painful?"

"The dropped weight is pulling on my back and I'm waddling even more now," Yo said miserably. He perked slightly, managing a small smile. "I can hardly wait, though. Two weeks!"

"That's just an estimate," Pha reminded Yo, kissing his head.

Yo shrugged. "I know."

"You want your usual?"

"Yes, please." Yo propped his chin on his fist, watching Pha get their food. "Ming," he began casually. "Did P'Beam tell you how we'll be giving birth?"

Beam suddenly choked on his mouthful of food, coughing and sputtering. "Yo," he gasped, taking a gulp of his drink. "Are you trying to kill me???"

Yo smirked cheekily. "You didn't act too bothered when P'Pha and Forth were squirming at the doctor's words."

Ming leaned close to Yo, interested. "What did Dr. Jaruji say, Yo?"

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