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(A/N: And yet again, when I'm editing this story, it won't upload the top picture. --__-- I'll come back in later to fix that. Sorry everybody.)

(2nd A/N: YASSSSS, the picture loaded. ^_^)

Ming's eyes slowly opened,  scanning the room around him with bleary eyes before turning his head, taking in the sight of a sleeping Kit lying next to him. For once, he didn't have loud thoughts screaming in his head. He felt completely relaxed and peaceful, his body loose and soft. The only other times he'd been able to achieve anything remotely close to peace like this was when he'd used his pocket knife in the past - until Yo had stolen it after catching him in his bathroom at home one year into dating her. After that, he'd had to use whatever he could find.

The peace he had now was so much better than what he'd managed to get before. There was no anxiety coursing through his veins, no heavy, dark thoughts nearly bringing him to tears, no words echoing through his head, and he wasn't obsessing over every little detail of the previous day to make sure he hadn't done anything wrong or stupid. Instead, what he felt was a calm, liquidy feeling, like warm water. It filled him up to the brim and left no room for anything negative.

Kit was suddenly leaning over him, smiling softly. "How do you feel this morning?"

Ming blinked lethargically. "Peaceful."

"Peaceful?" Kit cocked his head. "I'm glad to hear that...but I meant, are you sore? Do you need any pain killers?"

Ming didn't want anything to dull the pain he felt. It wasn't that bad, anyway, and he wanted to feel it as long as possible so he could remind himself how amazing it had felt to let go, and give total control over to Kit. "I'm okay," Ming murmured, shifting closer to Kit.

"You sure?"

"Mmhmm," was the hummed response.

Kit studied Ming's face for a moment, taking in how still but relaxed the younger was, content to just lie there without moving an inch, eyes empty of that consuming darkness that had instantly shown up after Muwan's visit. "Ming," Kit sat all the way up, one hand finding Ming's and linking them together. "I have a question for you, and I want you to answer me honestly, okay?"

"Okay," Ming said obediently.

That's a clue right there. "Are you, by chance, a sub?" Kit asked carefully, watching for Ming's reaction like a hawk.

Ming blinked a few times, meeting Kit's gaze. "As in, submissive?"

"Yes. Are you?"

"...I think so..." Ming whispered, closing his eyes. "Not really sure, since she never actually paid attention to anything except her wants and needs in the bedroom."

Kit fumed silently. The more I hear about her, the more I want to kill her. "Okay, I'm going to ask you some more questions," he turned to face Ming, sitting cross-legged. "You said you felt peaceful. Can you describe it to me?"

"Kind a liquid warmth..." Ming frowned, opening his eyes again. "Um...I guess it feels like a warm bath, but emotionally, not physically. I'm free of my worries and problems. Does that make any sense?"

"Makes perfect sense," Kit assured him. Subspace. He went into frikkin subspace last night. "And when I asked you if you wanted painkillers, but you refused, is that because you like a little pain?" Please tell me it's not you punishing yourself for something...

"I want to keep the memory of last night as fresh as I can," Ming said simply. "The ache helps with that."

"Alright, one more question," Kit sucked in a short breath. "Do you need anything in particular during sex?"

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