Temple Visit

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Yo fidgeted with his fingers in his lap, nervous about going inside the temple and people seeing him like this. He felt Pha's large hand cover both of his, calming his fidgeting. "P'Pha...what if people stare at me?"

"They'll stare because of how beautiful you are, baby."

"I'm not beautiful," Yo muttered weakly, cheeks flushing a deep red at the compliment. "Will the monks even let me inside the temple?"

Pha frowned, glancing over at Yo. "What do you mean?"

"I'm a pregnant male. That's not normal, P'Pha. Will they even let me in?"

"Yo, baby," Pha parked the car next to the curb, close by the temple. He grasped Yo's hands in his own. "Remember that one monk, the one that said he'd be praying for you?"


"He knew about elite pregnancy, and he wasn't disgusted with it. He was concerned for you. I doubt they'll bar you entry, Yo."

Yo sighed shakily. "I wish I could talk to one of the guys that was pregnant years ago. I'd feel better if I had an idea of what to expect."

"We don't have any way to contact them, nor do we know what their names are."

"Maybe Ming and I should write a book about what males could expect, and what to watch out for," Yo mused aloud, watching as Pha got out of the car and walked to pull the wheelchair out of the backseat, then help Yo into it. "What do you think, P'Pha?" Yo rested his arms on the sides of the chair as Pha pushed him up the sidewalk towards the temple.

 "What do you think, P'Pha?" Yo rested his arms on the sides of the chair as Pha pushed him up the sidewalk towards the temple

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"I think that sounds like a good idea, Yo. Will N'Ming be willing?"

"If he knows it could help someone, yes." Yo frowned, realizing there was no ramp to get into the temple, just some steps. "I can climb those."

"You really shouldn't," Pha answered, trying to figure out a way to get Yo up the steps in the wheelchair.

Yo blew out an irritated breath. Don't snap, don't snap...he's right. The doctors said to use the wheelchair outside the home. But still... He carefully pushed himself to his feet, feeling a tad bit wobbly as he took a tentative step away from the chair.

"Yo!" Pha gently swept Yo up into his arms. "What did I just tell you??"

"Was only trying to get up the steps," Yo sighed, looping his arms around Pha's neck. After only taking one step, he wasn't going to fight Pha about being carried. His ankles had shook under his full weight and now ached slightly.

Pha brushed a light kiss against Yo's temple. "No climbing stairs until after Love is born. Hm? For your own sake."

"Okay," Yo rested his head on Pha's shoulder.

"Would you boys like some help?"

Pha turned to see a couple monks standing there. "Um..."


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