Moons & Stars

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Aim bounced lightly on the balls of her feet, nervous about picking the new Engineering representatives

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Aim bounced lightly on the balls of her feet, nervous about picking the new Engineering representatives. "I can't believe we have to help pick the Moon and Star," she grumbled under her breath.

"It's not that bad," Ming shifted in the wheelchair. He was getting tired of waiting for the second Sotus gathering to start. The third years would be starting this one instead of the second years. Ming had felt so conspicuous that first day, sitting in his wheelchair in front of all the freshmen, his new hazer jacket unable to fully hide his belly. "We're seniors this year."

"I know," Aim sighed, absentmindedly rubbing her arms. She, too, was wearing a hazer jacket, being one of two girls on the second year hazing team. "But still...I'm not used to being in charge. It's kind of nerve wracking."

Ming nodded. His gaze went to the door to the Engineering gym, now opening. Forth poked his head through. "We have some candidates picked out."

Aim wheeled Ming out of the hallway into the gymnasium where the new crop of freshmen waited, all seated on the floor. "Which ones, P'Forth?"

"Student IDs, 0940, 8041, 4463, 5211, 7200, and 0007, come to the front."

Three girls and three boys hesitantly stood and carefully made their way out of the seated students, then walked up to the seniors. Ming thought one of the boys looked oddly familiar... "Names?" Ming requested, watching the three boys closely.

"Grey, P," the first one stated clearly.

The second one swallowed. "Um...Jay, P."

The third one looked like he was about to be sick. "Free, P."

"And you three?" Aim barked at the girls.

"New, P."

"Som-O, P."

"Khao Fang, P."

Aim crouched next to Ming. "I think the last girl is perfect."

"Khao Fang is pretty, and she met your gaze," Ming added. Khao Fang reminded him of Aim from last year. "What about Grey?"

"He looks the least likely to be sick on our shoes," Aim snickered quietly.

Min rolled his eyes. "P'Forth," he looked up at the head hazer. "We've decided on Grey and Khao Fang."

"0940 and 0007 are dismissed for the remainder of Sotus today," Forth announced. He nodded at Ming and Aim. "Good choices."

Grey wrinkled his nose, but said nothing. Khao Fang lifted her chin up higher, looking proud about being chosen. Aim fought not to roll her eyes. Trust me, it's not all fun and games. If you don't win, you run laps. She kept her mouth shut, since Forth was still there, and grabbed hold of Ming's wheelchair handles again.

"Follow us."

Right after the door to the gymnasium door closed behind them, Grey said, "Great. He's gonna expect me to win, now."

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