Happy Birthday Yo & Blue <3

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Pha hated seeing the pain in Yo's eyes, and the way he winced as he was helped by Pha and a nurse onto the examination table for the ultrasound. His back had gotten better somewhat, but it had only been three days, so there hadn't been much time for improvement. Pha offered a hand, and Yo grasped it, clinging tightly and smiling up at Pha even though he was clearly uncomfortable lying on his back like that.

"Ready to see your little one?" Dr. Jaruji asked, gently pulling Yo's shirt up so he could spread some gel on his lower belly.

Yo made a face. "Does that always have to be so cold?"

Dr. Jaruji chuckled. "Sorry. I'd warm it up if I could." He settled in the chair to Yo's right, carefully placing the end of the wand on the baby bump. "Okay, now. There he is," he stated, pointing at the grey-ish area that was the baby. "That's the head, and you can make out a bit of the shoulders."


Dr. Jaruji turned to Yo. "Pardon?"

Yo had that familiar mulish expression on his face. "She. There she is."

"I'm sorry, she," the doctor didn't argue.

"Yo thinks the baby is a girl," Pha explained, stroking Yo's head in an attempt to calm the slightly agitated teen.

Yo huffed wordlessly, ignoring them in favor of craning his neck to stare at the screen so he could get a good look at his baby. She's beautiful... Yo's annoyance melted away, leaving only a giddy feeling. And she's ours. "P'Pha, she's ours."

Pha leaned down, brushing his lips over Yo's smooth cheek. "Yes, baby. All ours."

"Have you been walking at all since I last saw you?"

Yo sighed. "No. I've been using the wheelchair, like you said to."

Dr. Jaruji nodded. "Good. Make sure to rest whenever you have the chance, and do not overdo it. Nothing too strenuous."

Yo's cheeks flushed a light pink, and he fidgeted with Pha's fingers as he asked, "Does that include...um..."

Pha wanted to laugh. Really? That's what you're thinking about?

Dr. Jaruji considered Yo for a moment. "If you do, you have to be very gentle and slow. And no multiple rounds, nor should you do it multiple times a week or month."

Yo's face reddened, and he nodded.

"Have you tried any painkillers yet?"

"The epsom salt bath helps more than the pills do," Yo said, the grumpiness making a swift return.

The mood swings are worse now that he's stuck in the wheelchair. Pha had a harder time dealing with Yo now. He'd found Yo sobbing his heart out in bed that morning, wanting desperately to get up and walk on his own, but too afraid to do so and possibly cause the death of their child. A couple times in the past few days, he'd thrown such angry tantrums, whipping pillows and clothes across the bedroom, hissing furiously about the situation.

But he'd never aimed his words or the objects at Pha. So there was that...for now.

"Will I ever be able to do anything on my own?"

Dr. Jaruji fully turned to face Yo. "I'm afraid not much, if anything. Male pregnancies are far more delicate than female pregnancies. But, if you don't push yourself too hard right now, you might be able to walk some - provided someone is with you just in case."

Yo's eyes were full of hope. "Really?"

"I know you're an independent person, Nong," the doctor said sympathetically. "But you're going to have to put up with your fiance and friends doing nearly everything for you until after your baby is born. The first pregnancy for a male is so delicate...we doctors are still trying to find ways to stabilize them better."

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