EXTRA: Yo's Decision

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He's losing blood too fast...

Get the nurses in here...

Yo, baby don't close your eyes...

Khun, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to leave the room...


Yo scrunched up his face at the bright light. He didn't remember leaving the curtains open before going to sleep. "P'Pha..." he mumbled, turning over on his side. "The light is hurting my eyes."

No reply.

Yo sighed, forcing his eyes open. And froze.

What the...

He was back in his room at the Pantichayasawad mansion. Everything in it's place like before he had moved out. Dread and intense horror rose up in him, and he jumped from the bed, dashing over to the full-length mirror on the back of his bathroom door.

His stomach was completely flat.

He lifted his shirt, desperate for some proof that it hadn't all been a dream, that he really had been pregnant. That he and Pha had really been together.

No stretch marks. Nothing.

A sob tore free from his throat. No, no, no, no, no... He fell to his knees, arms wrapped around his middle, body shaking almost violently. Please...no, it couldn't have all been a dream. Where's my P'Pha?? Where's my Love??

"Yo, honey, are you awake yet?"

Yo went still, staring in disbelief at the carpet, tears still dripping down his face. No way...

"Yo, I'm coming in now." The door opened, and he heard gentle footsteps come his way. "Oh, my poor darling. I know, it's hard."

Gentle arms wrapped around his shoulders. He could smell the nostalgic, familiar scent of lilacs.

His mother's favorite flower.

"M-mom..." he gasped, sitting up to stare at her in shock. "But...h-how???"

Lady smiled at him. "Hello, sweetie. I missed you so much."

He lunged at her, hugging her tight and crying silently as he was reeling in shock that he was hugging his mother. "But...P'Pha...Love...are they...?"

"They're real, son. Don't worry. Both N'Pha and little Love are perfectly fine. You, however," she pulled away, sadly brushing the tears off his cheeks. "You have a big decision to make, my sweet little Yo."

Yo couldn't concentrate on her words. He was happily drinking in the sight of his mom. And he could touch her! He smiled so wide, his face hurt. "It's wonderful seeing you, being able to hug you, mama. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, my son. But you need to listen to me," Lady's face turned serious. "You have to choose."

"Choose?" Yo was confused. Choose what?

"You have to choose whether to stay...or go back."

Go back? Back there? Where his mother wasn't? Yo silently hugged her again, refusing to let go.

"Think carefully, sweetie. I want you to stay as much as you do...but there's someone more important than I am to you, now."

"No," Yo denied, shaking his head. "You're my mother. Nobody can take your place."

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