5 Months

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The hospital was a bit more crowded this time

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The hospital was a bit more crowded this time. Pha stayed even closer to Yo, even going as far as to have Yo's closest friends, Ming and Win, come along as extra protection between Yo and the other people. In hindsight, he was very glad he'd asked them to come. Poor Yo looked very uneasy surrounded by so many people, some who kept glancing his way, and even little children that came up and asked him about his big tummy.

Actually...that just made Yo laugh.

He tucked himself into Pha's side, feeling safer when Pha's arm snaked around his waist. "I wonder if they have a lot of patients today?"

"Looks like it, baby. We might not get in at the time we were scheduled for."

"Oh well," Yo sighed, glancing at Ming and Win sitting together on his other side, both messing with their phones. "As long as we get in and the baby is okay, that's all I care about." He got a bit distracted with observing Ming. The other boy had acted so...odd while in Japan. And now, Yo was puzzled at the way Ming's skin was...glowy? Was that even a word? He looks like I did when... Yo's eyes widened, still staring at Ming. He looks like I did before P'Pha and I found out about... Then he got distracted again. "P'Pha, I need to use the restroom."

Ming lifted his head. "Need me to come with?"

Pha shook his head. "It's just the restroom. I'll text you if that changes."

"Okay." He went back to playing games on his phone. He glanced over at Win's phone, stifling a snort. "Is N'Saint blowing up your phone that much?"

"Yeah. Even though he's in class, the big goofball. It's like he can't go five minutes without knowing where I'm at and how I'm doing," Win rolled his eyes. "He's treating me like I'm the one pregnant, when it's really Yo. Sheesh. Crazy kid."

"Kit's the same way. I think they're just being protective because of what we've been through."

"Mmm...you're probably right. I'm not mad or annoyed, just...kind of amused, I guess. It's quite different from any other relationship I've had in the past."

"Hey," Ming leaned over. "Can I ask you something personal?"

Win gave him a sharp look. "You're going to ask if I'm a virgin, aren't you."

"How'd you know??"

"You have a creepy look in your eyes. And, for your information, no. I'm not."

"Really? Does N'Saint know that?"

"I mean, I've had sex with a girl. Biggest mistake of my life," Win sighed in regret. "And yes, Saint knows already."

"She didn't con you into it, did she?" Ming had to make sure. After his own traumatic experience with Muwan, he couldn't have sex like that again. He was simply unable to ever top Kit.

"No...what happened was...ugh," Win's cheeks flushed pink. "It's embarrassing...what happened was we were at her home, and her parents were gone for the evening, so she got into their wine cabinet and we got drunk. It was consensual, just...I wish I hadn't done it now."

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