Something New ;)

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He won't agree to it. He already said he wanted to wait until we could move into an apartment to live together. But... Beam glanced slyly at Forth, who was busy driving. Maybe I can seduce him into it? Or threaten to withhold sex until he caves? No, both of them. Seduce first, then withhold after if he says no again. Beam clasped his hands together, mentally crossing his fingers.

It didn't make sense for them to live in two different rooms. And Forth's excuse of waiting until they had an apartment to move into together didn't cut it with Beam. Kit and Ming were living in a dorm room, with a baby on the way! Yet, Forth wouldn't budge on his decision.

So, now that the group - Pha, Yo, Kit, Ming, Saint, Win, Forth and Beam - was going to spend a few days at the small Kongthanin beach, Beam was hoping he could use those days of sun, sand, water and fun to his advantage. If Forth didn't agree to Beam moving in with him by the end of the trip, Beam was going to cut him off, and tease him with what he couldn't have. Evil, but effective. And Beam would only go through with that plan as his last resort.

"There it is," Forth said suddenly, breaking Beam out of his thoughts.

Beam looked out the window, nerves bubbling inside him as they pulled up to the sprawling beach house Pha's parents owned. "Wow...haven't been here since middle school. Looks the same."

"You've been here before?"

"Yeah. Pha made Kit and me come here a few times. Mostly when he was spazzing out over Yo, though back then he was hiding it from us who he was crushing on. Well," Beam smirked at the memories. "More like failing to hide it, but whatever. I'm glad those two got together, otherwise we'd all be dealing with a mopey Pha for the rest of our lives."

That made Forth snort. "Aish. Makes me glad to be in Engineering. At least I wouldn't be dealing with him."

"Jerk," Beam laughed, smacking Forth's shoulder playfully. "Come on," he jumped out of Forth's car and headed for the trunk. "Let's get our stuff inside. You'll love this place, it's huge!"

Forth couldn't help smiling at how animated Beam was. The whole drive here, the other guy had been pretty quiet and withdrawn, not how Beam usually acted. Forth had wondered what was going on inside the future doctor's head. He followed after Beam, grabbing the bags out of the trunk - after giving one to Beam when he pouted about being treated like a delicate flower - then went up to the door to wait for Pha to unlock it.

"No," came Yo's stubborn voice. "It won't work in the sand, anyway. I can walk a few measly feet to the front door."


"No," Yo snapped, a mulish expression on his face.

"No," Yo snapped, a mulish expression on his face

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Pha sighed, running a hand over his face. "Fine. At least let me-"

"And no picking me up, either. I'm too heavy now, and your back can't handle the weight."

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