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(A/N: This is the chapter I added in. You'll see why I did. I'm sorry ahead of time. TT.TT)

Ming wished he'd kicked that Ohm guy a few more times - and in more tender places - especially after seeing what he'd done to Yo. They all had to suffer through a whole week of Yo slowly fading from the outside world and hiding in the apartment. What hurt Ming the most was Yo wouldn't let anyone but Pha touch him. Ming was so used to slinging an arm around Yo's shoulders, nudging him like friends do, ruffling his hair...and now he couldn't. He didn't blame Yo at all for it, no. He blamed that douche Ohm and his stupid minions. He blamed Muwan.

He blamed himself.

If only he hadn't pressured Yo to go drinking with him back in high school. If only he hadn't actually drank the stupid beer those giggly girls had bought for them. If only he had stayed by Yo's side and not gone dancing.

If only, if only, if only...

The trial was in a few short days. He'd have to go up on the witness stand and face her. He'd have to tell everyone what she did...and he didn't remember any of it. Not a thing. The last thing he remembered before waking up with the hangover to end all hangovers was dancing with two girls, having fun. Then everything faded out.

 Then everything faded out

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He tried. He tried so hard to remember. He knew he owed it to Yo, so they could have Muwan put away for as long as possible. If they could prove she was mentally unhinged, then she'd be in a mental asylum for the rest of her life. She'd never get out. He felt a little bad about that, after seeing how terrified Yo was of going back to the mental ward - and he'd only been there for two weeks - but he didn't let himself back down. She needed to not be able to do that to anyone else.

He lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling with a slight frown, digging through his memories. Why can't I remember?? He was so frustrated. I need to remember what she did... I need to. Were the drugs that strong?

"Ming, what are you thinking about?"

Ming blinked, turning his head to see Kit perched on the edge of the bed and looking at him with concern. "Nothing, really," Ming smiled, trying to cover up what he was doing. Kit didn't need to know. "Ready for bed?"

Kit studied Ming's face. He didn't believe the other guy for a second that he was thinking about nothing. But Kit wasn't about to press the issue. He wanted Ming to tell him on his own. "Yeah," Kit slipped under the covers with Ming, reaching over to turn off the light. Ming snuggled up to him, one arm draped over Kit's middle while resting his head over his heart, sighing contentedly. "Good night, Ming."


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