Nowhere To Run

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Montree considered himself lucky. He hadn't run into any of his friends when entering the Science Faculty. He winced slightly, ass throbbing as he kept walking. Good had done quite a number on him for his punishment...but Montree couldn't find it in himself to care. Not even now when he was in pain.

Good had been jealous. Jealous! And possessive, obviously. It had taken nearly a full bottle of concealer to hide the multiple hickeys Good had left all over Montree's neck. He didn't like hiding the marks. They were symbols of the hold Good had on him. Montree himself had left a couple on Good, too, insisting it was only fair they mark each other. Good hadn't fought, being all too eager to have Montree mark him.

"Only a couple weeks and some days left before freshman year is over!"

Montree bit back a pained groan when Cake flung herself onto him from behind. This is Karma for teasing Yo for limping last year after he and P'Pha had sex, I just know it. "Hello, Cake."

"Picture! Picture!" Cake chirped, stepping in front of Montree and lifting her phone up.

Montree sniggered, and posed with Cake. She made what she probably thought was a cutesy/sexy face - it really wasn't - and Montree smiled slightly at the camera.

 She made what she probably thought was a cutesy/sexy face - it really wasn't - and Montree smiled slightly at the camera

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"Where are the others?" Cake asked, slipping her phone into her book bag.

"Probably already in the classroom," Montree said, shifting his weight to his other foot, and tried not to wince at the stinging pain. Even after taking painkillers and using the ointment, it still hurt. But Montree was thankful to Yo. He might've been in a lot more pain without the painkillers and antibiotic cream. "How come you aren't there yet?"

Cake gave him a mysterious smile. "Had to send my greetings to my darling."

Montree tilted his head in confusion. "Huh?"

"Nothing," Cake giggled, grasping Montree's wrist and tugging him along behind.

Ow-ow-ow... "Hey, I kinda twisted my ankle the other day," Montree thought fast. "I can't walk so quick today."

Cake immediately let him loose. "Oh, I'm sorry!" She looked at him apologetically. "Did I make it worse?"

Montree shook his head, keeping a pleasant smile on his face. Yes, you did. My butt feels like it's on fire now. "Nah, luckily it's just the same. But I have to be careful." He walked as normally as possible, only limping a little. If he did the duck walk, as Yo had done the one time, everyone would instantly know what he'd been doing the night before, and he'd never hear the end of it.

The first person he saw when he walked inside the classroom was none other than Yo, sitting in his wheelchair with his arms folded, a smirk playing around the corners of his mouth. "You exercised too much again, didn't you."

Montree made a face, gingerly settling in his desk chair. "I got too caught up in other people's enthusiasm."

Yo snorted, shaking his head. You got too carried away on Good's dick, you mean.

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