The Chase

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"Got a minute?"

Blue was mildly surprised to see Zee standing a step above where he was sitting. "Oh...sure." Blue scooted over closer to the railing, making room for Zee next to him. He'd been waiting on the stairs to the second floor of the Engineering library, having tagged along with Yo to see Ming. Then he'd gotten a text from Liam and came out to the stairs to answer it so he wasn't bothering anyone that might be studying. "What brings you to Engineering?"

"I heard you were here," Zee said slowly

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"I heard you were here," Zee said slowly. "And...I wanted to ask you for some advice."

"Advice?" Blue pointed to himself incredulously. "Me?" He laughed. "Are you kidding?? The last time I gave you advice, you still ate the stupid habenero pepper!"

"Hey, at least I proved I wasn't a coward."

"Sure. And you also proved what a wuss you were with all the girly shrieking about how your tongue was melting out of your mouth," Blue teased.

Zee shot him a faux betrayed look. "Anyway...I wanted to ask for your advice about Sing."

Blue smirked, folding his arms. "I knew it."


"He's been dodging you, hasn't he," Blue cut him off, eyes sparkling with wicked amusement.

Zee frowned. "I don't see what's so funny about it. He won't even listen to me!"

"I think it's very funny, and that you deserve it. Every relationship you've ever been in, they did all the chasing and wooing," Blue slung a friendly arm over Zee's shoulders, sniggering. "It's about time the tables were turned on you."

"Hey, you didn't chase me," Zee protested.

"No. But it wasn't a battle to get me to date you, either. Face it," Blue grinned, jabbing a finger at Zee. "You've got a real war on your hands. Now," he stood, dusting off the back of his uniform pants and picking up his backpack, "If you really want me to give you anything that'll help you with Sing, you have to ask my boyfriend if we can talk first."

Zee blinked up at Blue. "Wait...I have to ask Liam??"



"I just told you. He's my boyfriend, and," Blue gave him a 'duh' look. "You're my ex."

Zee groaned, head falling forward in defeat. "When and where..."

"There's a good sushi and noodle shop nearby," Blue slung his bag over one shoulder, his expression far too amused for Zee's liking. "Meet us there after classes are done." He walked down the stairs, whistling a kpop song as he disappeared from Zee's sight.

Evil little thing...and he's only gotten worse since he started dating Liam, Zee thought sourly. He sighed audibly, rubbing his face tiredly. Can't say I don't deserve it, though, what with how we parted... Dammit, I'm gonna have to sit there and watch them be all gooey over each other!

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