BL Royalty

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WARNING: This chapter could cause severe meltdowns, fangirling/boying, fainting spells, heart attacks, and dramatic changes in behavior. Please proceed with caution. <3

Montree was a bundle of nerves. Part of him was wondering about all the secrecy surrounding Good's parents, yet...the other part would rather be at the beach house with Yo and the others. They could always change their plans, right? It wasn't like the Kongthanin beach house was that far away...

"Don't be nervous, Mon," Good gripped Montree's hand comfortingly, smiling at him. "My parents are very eager to meet you."

"They don't mind that...I'm a ladyboy?"

"Nope. Not at all. Dad actually had a good laugh, since...well," Good's smile turned mysterious. "You'll see."

Montree looked at him strangely. And that wasn't odd at all. Nope. Then he noticed out the window that they were coming up on beach properties - prime beach properties. The kind that maybe Yo's families owned. Expensive and decadent. What the hell are we doing here??!

"Almost there. Our house is the last one. Dad wanted to be as far away from people as possible. We have an amazing view of the ocean, too."

"Mmm," Montree hummed to let Good know he was listening. His eyes narrowed when they finally reached the last house. Instead of a 'K' on the gates, there was an 'R'. It confused Montree. Good's family name is Kritayakirana...what's the 'R' for?? "Good..."

"Hm?" Good pressed a button, and the gates parted, allowing the car inside.

"Why do the gates have an 'R'?"

"Because, that's the romanized first letter of my family name. Why?"

"...I thought your last name is Kritayakirana..."

Good shrugged. "'s actually my paternal grandmother's maiden name. I just kinda...borrowed it."

"Why?" Montree couldn't figure it out! Was Good in hiding or something??

"I-Oh," Good waved as a man came walking out to the car. "P'Cap! Are mom and dad home?"

"I'm sorry, master Good, but they got tied up at the studio. They called and said they'd be home around dinner time."

Good nodded, blowing out a small breath. "Even during vacation, hm? Okay, thank you." He pulled the car around and parked it under the overhang next to the house.

" He pulled the car around and parked it under the overhang next to the house

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Montree got out of the car and stared up at the house - more like mansion. The place was huge! Nowhere near the size of Yo's dad's house...but still way bigger than anything Montree was used to. He gaped at it for a moment before realizing he wasn't being very ladylike and quickly shut his mouth.

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